Don't Starve Wiki
Don't Starve Wiki
Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon

Winona Portrait
Now I can track down the bossman's loot!

Winona, examining Inspectacles.

I'd love to know the specs for those specs! Ha!

Winona, when examining the Inspectacles without learning the skill.

The Inspectacles are a head-slot item exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in the Skill Spotlight Updates. They can only be crafted by Winona with 1 Fashion Goggles and 2 Electrical Doodads after learning the Founder's Keepers I skill.

Icon Tools Usage[]

Only Winona can wear the Inspectacles. They can be used to find Cacheboxes. When a Cachebox spawns, the light bulb on the Inspectacles will begin to light constantly. When wearing, the Inspectacles will change their appearance and blue waves will appear periodically at the border of the overlay pointing to the direction the cachebox can be found.

After learning the Founder's Keepers II skill, there is a 25% chance to find an Advanced Cachebox instead of a normal Cachebox.

Placeholder Trivia[]

Blueprint Gallery[]
