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Winona Portrait
It ain't magic, just some good engineering!

Winona, examining a Handy Remote.

Winona Portrait
Gotta hook it up to the generator.

Winona, examining an uncharged Handy Remote.

Winona Portrait
Needs some more time to charge.

Winona, examining a charging Handy Remote.

Winona Portrait
Charged and ready to go.

Winona, examining a charged Handy Remote.

The Handy Remote is an item exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in the Skill Spotlight Updates. It can only be crafted by Winona with 1 Electrical Doodad after learning the Portability skill.

Icon Tools Usage[]

Only Winona can use the Handy Remote. It can have up to 4 functions for controlling Winona's Catapults.

A fully charged Handy Remote has 100 uses (or 100% energy). The energy of the remote can be recharged by dropping it in the range of Winona's Generator or Winona's G.E.M.erator. When dropped in range, the bulbs of the remote will light up and a cable becomes visible on the side of the remote leading into the ground. A full recharge takes 2 minutes (or 1 minute after learning the Quick Charge skill). When fully charged, the lights of the remote will turn off.

Remote functions[]

Depending on the skills learned, the player can use up to 4 functions by right-clicking the Handy Remote and choosing a function. Enlightened Strike, Shadow Strike and Planar Strike share the same spot. Which one of them is available depends on the learned skills.

Remote function Effect Skill
Arm Catapult Icon
Arm Catapult
Activating and deactivating the catapults. Portability
Target Icon
Selecting a target for the catapults to shoot at. Precise Targeting
Barrage Icon
Increasing fire rate of the catapults by 50% for 20 seconds. Barrage
Enlightened Strike Icon
Enlightened Strike
Executing an Enlightened Strike, dealing 120 planar damage and also destroying objects such as Boulders or Trees. Enlightened Strike will work only on catapults charged by Pure Brilliance (using the Brilliance G.E.M.erator skill). Enlightened Strike
Shadow Strike Icon
Shadow Strike
Executing a Shadow Strike, dealing 120 planar damage and spawning a temporary patch of thorny vines that slows and deals damage to any mob moving on it. Vines do not deal damage to friendly followers. Shadow Strike will work only on catapults charged by Pure Horror (using the Pure Horror Generator skill). Shadow Strike
Planar Strike Icon
Planar Strike
Executing Enlightened Strike and Shadow Strike at the same time, dealing 120 planar damage and executing both effects. Enlightened Strike
+ Shadow Strike

Placeholder Trivia[]
