X-Wing Miniatures: Second Edition Wiki

Wazat Wazat 22 April 2023

Would you enjoy 2.5?

I see the question often: Should we switch to 2.5? Would we enjoy it? Or should we stick with 2.0?

To lay my cards out on the table right here, I'm really enjoying 2.5 despite a few complaints, just like I enjoyed the changes created by 2.0 back in the day. I feel like 2.5 solves several problems, and there are some definite tradeoffs to consider. 2.5 came without requiring players to buy conversion kits, which make it much easier to pick up too.

Whether you'd prefer it or 2.0 comes down to how feel about the changes and trade-offs. Let's go through some of the changes.

  1. 2.5 lets you equip upgrades and fly named pilots, instead of stripping every ship and pilot down to fit another chassis on the table. Chassis-spam often haunted the 2.0 meta a…
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Wazat Wazat 17 April 2019

Proton Rockets or Advanced Proton Torpedoes?

Let's say you have a ship with both  and slots, or you're choosing between ships based on which slot they have.  You want a five-dice munition, and two are available: Advanced Proton Torpedoes (APTs) and Proton Rockets (Prockets).  Which to choose?  After all, some of these differences matter more than others:

1 Cost and hyperspace status are as of this writing, and could change soon

Among these pros and cos, a few tend to matter a lot (range, arc, token), while others (e.g. changing a hit to a crit, one point difference in cost) are nice but generally not decisive.

  • 1 Lock vs Focus
  • 2 Range and Arc
  • 3 Having the Token, Losing the Token
  • 4 One You See, One You Don't

Usually for munitions, a lock is much harder to set up than a focus for a low-initiative …

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