WIRED's editorial policy on affiliate links

In our WIRED Recommends guides and Gear product stories we include links to buy products from Amazon, Currys, John Lewis and other retailers.

If you click on one of these links, the URL contains an ID code that identifies product links from our website. As part of WIRED's affiliate programs, the retailer then pays our publisher Condé Nast Britain a small percentage of the money you spend.

WIRED is currently part of two affiliate programs: Amazon Associates and Skimlinks, a platform which works with a range of retailers, including Argos, Currys, John Lewis and Selfridges.

The affiliate schemes do not impact the products that our editors cover, review and recommend. WIRED does not accept payment for placement in its buying guides. We list a range of retailers for each product and some of the links in our reviews and guides are not associated with any affiliate programs.

If you would like to avoid WIRED affiliate links, just refrain from clicking the product links in our stories and instead search for the recommended product and purchase from the retailer of your choice.

Affiliate links are one of the ways that WIRED funds its journalism; alongside print magazine sales, print and digital advertising, brand partnerships, consulting and events.

This article was originally published by WIRED UK