Proposal Platform

What is the ICD?

The International Classification serves to record and report health and health-related conditions globally. ICD ensures interoperability of digital health data, and their comparability. The ICD contains diseases, disorders, health conditions and much more. The inclusion of a specific category into ICD depends on utility to the different uses of ICD and sufficient evidence that a health condition exists.   

What is the proposal platform?

The revision of the classifications was a collaborative process carried out on a platform hosted on the WHO web site. Each revision, removal or addition of entities included occurred as proposals on this platform, allowing transparency of the Revision process, which included proposals from scientific societies and subject matter experts. More than 15,000 proposals were submitted suggesting changes to ICD-11 and amendments to the classification.  

The proposal platform has been retained for the ongoing routine maintenance and updating process of WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC) that include ICD-11, ICF and ICHI. The main goal of the mechanism is to allow experts to suggest changes in the WHO core classifications or enhance their content.

Who can make a proposal to ICD-11, ICF and ICHI?

Anyone can make suggested additions or enhancements to the WHO core classifications via the WHO-FIC proposal platform. Proposals address a need or gap in the classifications’ ability to reflect real world needs. The presence or absence of a specific statistical category ("code" or “concept”) depends on the different uses of the classifications.  However, there needs to be sufficient evidence that a health condition or intervention exists before an entity can be added.

Where can I find the WHO-FIC proposal platform?

The proposal platform is accessible via the WHO-FIC maintenance platform, under the heading ‘Proposals’ or directly via the links below.

For ICD-11ICF and ICHI

How do I submit a change proposal?

To get started, register for an account on the WHO-FIC maintenance platform detailing your contact information and official affiliation. The platform is open for proposals and accepted updates, after completion of the review process will be reflected immediately. 

A proposal should have supporting detailed rationale and cite an evidence base (e.g. peer review literature) to justify consideration. Submitted complete proposals are reviewed and decided upon by the relevant committee and reference group of the WHO Family of international classification (WHO-FIC) Network.

The status of the proposal is visible on the platform.  The browser can also send email notifications whenever a new comment or proposal is made in the areas of your interest.

To learn more about the proposal mechanism you can check the user guide.

Why is my input important?

Because diverse health perspectives and knowledge from every part of the world will build a better classification based on the user’s needs. The input from multiple parties will increase consistency, comparability and utility of the classification.

This shared process will lead to a global consensus on how diseases and health-related problems are defined and recorded. This is a chance to be part of international collaboration that will lead to more consistent and systematic collection of health information.

Who will review my input?

The content will be reviewed by experts from relevant WHO-FIC Network committees and reference groups. More information on WHO Family of International Classifications Network can be found on this link.