ICD-11 2024 release

ICD-11, the global language of health is now available in 10 languages

8 February 2024
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WHO presents ICD-11 2024 annual update!

ICD-11, the global language of health, is now more powerful and inclusive than ever. The 2024 release of ICD-11 brings a suite of new features and improvements, designed to support the dynamic needs of global healthcare communities. 

What's New in ICD-11 2024: 

  • Multilingual support: Embracing the World Health Organization's mission for global inclusivity, ICD-11 ICD-11 is now available 10 languages. With ongoing efforts to expand the linguistic reach, ICD-11 is truly the language of global health. 


  • Content expansion: This year's update enriches ICD-11 with cutting-edge medical knowledge, integrating new diseases and conditions to keep healthcare professionals ahead in their practice. The revision also fine-tunes the classification system, ensuring precision and relevance in patient care. 


  • Enhanced diagnostic detail: The introduction of advanced postcoordination capabilities allows for capturing of nuanced clinical detail, e.g. offering over 200 new codes for allergens alone. These refinements aid in recording precise diagnosis and in tailoring treatment plans.


  • Streamlined transition tools: To ease the migration from ICD-10, mapping tables were enhanced with additional mapping options to foundation facilitating a smoother transition to ICD-11 with comprehensive cross-references and guides. 


  • Digital tools and API enhancements: The release candidate of the WHO digital open rule integrated cause of death selection (DORIS) tool in multiple languages, alongside updated APIs, enhances the universal digital experience, supporting both online and offline applications. 


  • Maintenance platform optimization: The ICD-11 maintenance platform was revamped for an improved user experience, making updates more accessible and management more efficient for all stakeholders. 


  • Global implementation support: Recognizing the growing implementation of ICD-11 across over 120 countries, extensive resources are rolled out, including a new WHOICD11 YouTube channel offering tutorials, and additional comprehensive guides for seamless integration. 

    Stay ahead with ICD-11's 2024 update, where global health language evolves to meet healthcare growing needs. Dive into the future with ICD-11, where innovation, inclusivity, and precision lead the way in shaping global health outcomes. 



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