Is it safe to update Chrome?

Published at: Feb 18, 2022

Generally speaking, yes it is safe to update Chrome. There are a few things to watch out for though.

Make sure you only install or update from "official" sources

If you already have Chrome

If you already use Chrome, the safest and quickest way to update Chrome is to use it's in-built "Auto-update" feature. Chrome will automatically keep itself up to date so there's normally nothing you need to do anyway. Chrome checks for updates every few hours, but if you're impatient you can tell Chrome to check for updates now.

If you want to start using Chrome

If you want to try a different web browser, and you don't already have Chrome, you'll need to download it first.

You MUST make sure that you download Chrome directly from the official Chrome website. Under no circumstances should you get Chrome from anywhere else. There are dangerous "scam" versions of Chrome which contain viruses, malware, key-loggers and other nasty programs. So if you need to switch to chrome, make sure you get it from and no where else.

Keep updating Chrome

The best way to stay safe with Chrome is to keep it up to date. Chrome will automatically update itself, so normally there's nothing you need to do to stay up to date.

That way, when new bugs are discovered, you can rest assured that they'll be fixed by Google and the Chromium team as soon as possible.

Google test new versions of Chrome before releasing it

Google and the Chromium team run a series of tests against the latest version of Chrome before releasing it for public use. They do this to check that they haven't undone any previous good work, and to test that new features work as expected.

No software is perfect, there are always going to be bugs in various places - a web browser is never "finished" - so it's always important to keep updating Chrome - its one of the best ways to stay safe online.