Email information about your web browser to tech support

Updated at: Apr 2, 2024

Introduction can email a detailed report of your web browser's configuration to your technical support staff at the click of a button. This saves your clients having to copy and paste a heap of technical information into their mail client.

This email contains most of the information that you see on the home page. Some of the new feature detection (Browser Size, Local IP, and the HTML5 features listed at the very bottom of the page) are not included in this system yet. They will be included very soon.

What does the email look like?

Here's a sample email:

Click the Chrome menu at the top of the screen

Prepopulating the fields

If you want to save your client having to type too much information in to the form, you can prepopulate all of the fields and provide them with an easy to click link.

You need to use URL parameters to do this, the ones to use are:

yourname This is used for your client's name (i.e. it goes in the "Your Name" field)
youremail This is used for your client's email address
recipientname You can put your own name here, your business's name, or a helpful ticket reference number (i.e. to track the email within your helpdesk/bug reporting system)
recipientemail This is your own email address or the email of your helpdesk; where the email will be sent to.

You can prepopulate any and all of these fields. A good idea would be to wire it in through your help desk, so that when they click a link, they are taken to the form, with all these fields prepopulated, including a Ticket Number, to make it easier for you.

So, a full example link you would send them looks something like this:

Linking directly to the form

There is a named anchor in the page: #send-to-tech. This means you can send people to

And they will immediately see the Send this information to your Developer / IT Support form. Typically, you probably want to combine this with prepopulating some of the fields using URL parameters (as explained above).

The #send-to-tech always comes last in the url, so you'll send them a link that looks something like this:

This will prepopulate the form and take them straight to it. All they need to do is click the Send in an Email button.

Ensuring you get the emails

We send all of these emails via PostMark. The emails will always come from, so if you're expecting your users or clients to send you emails using this system, we recommend adding this address to your contacts or email whitelist, so that it gets delivered to you properly.


All information submitted through this form is kept private and secure. We will never spam, share, trade, or do anything nasty with your information or your client's information. We don't use Open Tracking or Link Tracking in the emails which we send. We keep the data in our database for a short time to help identify and prevent abuse of the system as well as spot any trends we need to be aware of, but we don't keep it there for long. Read the legal stuff for more information.

Reporting Abuse

We take abuse of this system very seriously. If anyone is hassling you with the email system, please Contact us and we will black-list you from any further contact from it.


Constructive feedback on this system is always welcome. If you have any ideas for additions or changes, We'd love to hear about it.