Detect My Web Browser Settings

Updated at: Jul 15, 2024 makes it easy for you to find out all the interesting technical details about your web browser; most importantly: what browser are you using?

This makes it easy for your Tech Support team to help you fix your problems.

Detect Web Browser Settings

Detect Web Browser

Detect Computer Details

Detect Network/Internet Details

Web Browser Versions

Operating System Versions

Our list of things that we can detect is always growing. If you have any ideas of other things you would like to know about your set up (or your client's!) just let us know via the contact form.

Let your clients email their info directly to you

We have a feature that makes it easy for your clients to email you a full read-out of their computer's set up, so that you can more easily debug the problems they're having.

Check out the Send Browser Details via email page.

What are the latest version numbers?

Web Browsers - Latest version numbers:

Operating Systems - Latest version numbers:

Plugins - Latest version numbers:

Get the latest web browser version numbers via API

If you need access to the latest version numbers for Chrome, Firefox or any of the other major web browsers in your software, then we have just the thing for you! Web Browser versions via API.

Latest Web Browser User Agents

Latest Operating System user agents