Press Releases

WASHINGTON— U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) issued a statement today on the U.S. Army’s announcement of a policy change that will grant a permanent exemption to Sikh and Muslim military service members to serve while wearing a religiously mandated beard, turban, or Muslim hijab while in uniform:

"Members of our nation’s military represent every religion, race, and creed, and both Sikhs and Muslims serve honorably and heroically in the U.S. military. This action by the Army, which is long overdue, ensures Sikh and Muslim soldiers need not compromise their religious beliefs in order to serve. I have long advocated for this policy change to be replicated across all military branches, and hope the incoming Administration will uphold this policy." 

Sen. Warner is the Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and co-chair of the Senate India Caucus.
