Priorities, schedules and Work

From Cognitive Accessibility Task Force

Priorities and Work for 2022-2024

  • Version 2 of Content Usable
    • Identify structural changes that may be required and implement them
    • Include patterns, stories and other considerations that we did not have time to include in v1, including integration of community feedback and findings from mental health research
    • Add images and examples of the design patterns
  • Update the issue papers and research
  • Draft a test process for cognitive accessibility (either on its own, or as part of version 2)
  • Supporting AG, Silver, APA and other W3C groups included Coga user groups

Detailed documents:

Past priorities, 2021 April - 2022 April

based on the spread sheet

Priority 1

This will be for the first 6 months (April through September)


  • review methodology and process for mental health research module or issue paper - recruit
  • Reach out to different communities for updates on preferred techniques
  • Mental health research module (longer than 6 months)

groups A third of the time (approx) we will be working with groups. This included:

Misc / Bits

  • web version for content usable
  • wikipages, and housekeeping (cleaning up issues and resolving remaining open comments marked as review for next version from the December 2020 working draft, as well as any comments we consider high priority that come in afterwards)
  • a single testable statement as a trial

Priority 2

November 2021 - April 2022

Research and Issue Papers

  • Research: Update and Review Existing Research Modules and publish them
  • Issue Paper for wayfinding and Collaborate with authors of Accessible Way-Finding using Web Technologies
  • Issue Paper for conversational interfaces (begin work on this issue paper and scope for future completion)

wish list

  • issues for non native language speakers
  • more issue papers (see spreadsheet) and patterns
  • improving comprehension in different languages

Older Schedule and todo lists


year 1 (until sept 2020) get out the deign guided to wide review, content usable, personas maybe website. wcag 2.2;

year 2 support year 1 (getting to PR ...etc) gap analysis and glossary;

year 3 support for years 1 and 2 , update research

See our [priorities] for the next three years.


  1. Comments are requested by 04 September 2020.
  2. compile list for List_for_final_edit - 18 September 2020
  3. Start process to publish note: Mid November 2020

Note: WCAG 2.2 Schedule (planning sheet)

  • full wide review end july
  • CR - late fall maybe November (this is what we want to meet?)
  • 2021 - final is feb/march

Next (final) draft / final Note -

priority 1

No particular order

  • Address issues
  • Glossary of critical terms defined - without cross referencing section
  • (John R can get review of glossary when done)
  • Editarial review, consistent terms, punctuation policy - such as end of bulet points, terms see list for final edit
  • Images of good practice and bad practice - one per objective?
  • review image of ven diagram

priority p2 / Possibly next version

(things we would like but not delay publication)

Might change based on issues

  • Improved editing and presentation, making sure it is understandable and clear
  • Business section - add paragraph on LD as a market
  • Continue work on Policy section section - comments from justine
  • Add links cross references inside document (p1 before final publication) ?
  • Add links to wcag 2.2 ?
  • More examples of success and failure for each pattern so that the
  • Testable statements for each pattern (based on the suggestions for wcag 2.1)
  • Test process for each pattern - this will help them merge into silver as well

priority 3 (wish list)

  • Larger glossary
  • Business section larger

Next Version (1.1) Improvements for Next Version of Content Usable

We hold regular meetings and publish Meeting Minutes. Also see our 2019 FTF meeting outcomes Several of the task force members hoped to attend the CSUN conference this year. More details on the CSUN2020 page.