IRC, scribing and running meeting

From Cognitive Accessibility Task Force

Here are some zakim commands that help with both being a participant and running a meeting

Firstly join the irc channel at Put in a nickname and set the channel as #coga.

Now we can chat! Some basic commands:

q+ (puts you in the speaker queue)
q- (remove yourself from the speaker queue)
q+ to ask ...
q+ to say ...
present+ Real_Name (to add late arrivals)

Scribing Basics

We type minutes into the IRC channel

To be the scribe put your name in the IRC channel as follows:

  • scribe+ MYNAME (where myname is your channel nickname)

Minutes should record the gist or point of what is said. When a topic is being discussed, the scribe should capture the sense (no need to try to get every word).

Try and capture who said what.

  • for example "joe: doesn't like the proposal because it is too vague"

When recording a resolution, the form should be as follows:

  • RESOLUTION: issue-2 yadda yadda yadda

Ask rrsagent to generate the minutes:

  • rrsagent, generate minutes

Zakim commands for running meetings

  • /invite zakim #coga --set up logging in the COGA channel This is essential if you want minutes
  • zakim, start meeting --set up minuting
  • scribe+ someone -adds someone as a scribe
  • RRSAgent, publish minutes each time you type this the bot send the minuets to the web page
  • Clear agenda clears the agenda from old items
  • Agenda+ some item -adds some item to the agenda
  • regrets+ someone – adds someone to people who sent regrets for this meeting
  • zakim, next item moves to the next item in the agenda
  • zakim, take up item 5 - moves to the item 5 in the agenda
  • zakim, close item 5 - closes item 5 in the agenda
  • ack next -calls the next person on the que
  • regrets+ someone -adds someone to people who sent regrets for this meeting
  • Zakim, please time speakers at 2 minutes – Provides warnings when someone is speaking for too long

To end a meeting

  1. RRSAgent, publish minutes - each time you type this the bot sendthe minuets to the web page ., This is essential if you want minutes
  2. trackbot, end meeting