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Baldur's Gate 3: Astarion approval and romance guide

Looking for some Astarion romance, or maybe just a healthy friendship? This is our Astarion approval guide!

Astarion in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian

Astarion Approval is a precious resource for any and all Baldur's Gate 3 players with a taste for wit and nocturnal naughtiness. It's a sign that your party's very own rogue is starting to like you - something everyone will surely wants right?

However, part of Astarion's charm is that he's a little selfish, and not exactly a paragon of positivity. As such, those playing a pure parading paragon may run into some issues when trying to win his favour. This guide will take you through general rules of thumb when trying to get Astarion to like you, as well as point to personality traits that you'll want to play up to keep them in your good books.

How to get Astarion's approval

Before we jump into specifics, here's a quick spoiler warning for act 1 of Baldur's Gate. Also, if you're feeling really anxious about Astarion approval, get into the practice of saving often throughout your playthrough. Yes, this is save scumming, and arguably a negative influence on any RPG. But, to each their own. It's your experience after all!

Astarion will react to certain narrative decisions you make out in the world with approval if you are deceptive, clever, and uncaring of other people's problems. As a rule of thumb, if you're a bit mean to people, and take advantage of them when given the opportunity, Astarion will be all for it. But most of all, Astarion likes to feel powerful. Anything that puts him in a position above others makes him happy.

As for major narrative decisions, Astarion thinks using the power of the mind flayer tadpole to his advantage is a great idea, and you should support that line of thinking if you want him on side. After a few long rests at camp, you'll discover the truth that Astarion is a vampire. Trust him to suck your blood, don't treat him like a monster, and support him when his past catches up to him and you'll win major approval points with Astarion.

In act 1, he's all about helping out the goblins in the goblin camp. Agreeing to open the gates to the grove for them will win you major points with Astarion. Who doesn't love goblins?

How to romance Astarion in Baldur's Gate 3

In order to romance Astarion, you'll need to get their approval rating to high. You can check their current approval rating by heading to the character sheet.

The first opportunity to kick off the Astarion romance scene is following the completion of the quest Rescue Druid Halsin. This will kick off a celebration at your camp, at which point you can shimmy over to Astarion and start a conversation.

As such, we recommend completing over quests and getting that approval rating as high as you can before rushing in and freeing Halsin. If you go in too early, you might miss your first chance at romance.

It's in this conversation post-rescue from the goblin camp that a night of romance can be initiated. Just be careful that you don't make other characters jealous!

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