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Baldur's Gate 3 developers commemorate "lift-off" on what's next by revisiting the same dungeon they cleared during that RPG's final push

Because hey, sometimes you just need to remind yourself how well your last playthrough turned out.

Karlach in Baldur's Gate 3.
Image credit: VG247/Larian

Baldur's Gate 3 developer Larian is pulling together its leads for a big summit "to discuss lift off", we assume on the studio's next couple of games. Where? Well in the same place it met to decide how to finish off BG3, because revisiting the same location a bunch of times in order to grind XP, find stuff you missed, or just admire the scenery again is something RPG folks are just hardwired to do.

Yup, while it's still working on some Baldur's Gate 3-related stuff ahead of Patch 7's arrival with some fresh endings and official modding support in September, Larian's also been busy teasing and putting stuff in place for its future projects.

The latest of these teases is a tweet (thanks, GamesRadar) from head honcho Swen Vincke, who was up nice and early this morning sharing a picture of the meeting room his studio's staff will be filing into today to- depending on your interpretation - talk about either rockets or video games.

"Larian lead summit about to start - 2 years ago we came to this exact place to discuss how to finish BG3," the developer revealed, "This time around it’s to discuss lift off. Spirits are high, morale is good, expecting a flooding any minute now."

Yup, "lift off", which we'd assume to likely be the next Larian's already been chatting about, when it's not teasing huge pipe dreams for the future beyond that in a manner that can arguably be a bit confusing for those who haven't scrawled a diagram of everything Swen's alluded as BG3 been lapping up awards onto a bunch of post-it notes.

For now, we know that "two very ambitious RPGs" are currently in the works at the studio, so I'd say we're safe in assuming those will come up after the developers have finished reminiscing about the last time their party managed to take down the big final boss that is shipping a game, likely by setting off some kind of explosive barrel chain reaction or cheekily pushing it into a bottomless gorge.

If you're after more BG3 mod-related things while you wait for more news on what those two RPGs, a team of Stardew Valley modders have just provided an update on a BG3-themed mod for that game, and another modder's recently turned the RPG into a roguelike.

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