Sixth session of the Ad Hoc Committee

21 August - 1 September 2023, New York

In accordance with General Assembly resolution 75/282 and the road map and mode of work approved at its first session, the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes, established by the General Assembly in its resolution 74/247, held its sixth session from 21 August to 1 September 2023 in New York.

General information

Please visit this page for information on the following topics:
  • Times and venue, format
  • Registration, visa support, collection of badges
  • Side events
  • Statements
  • Webcast and remote connection with Zoom
  • Financial support
  • Accessibility
  • Submission and co-sponsorship of proposals
  • Code of conduct to prevent harassment

Meeting Documentation

Meeting documentation will be shared on the webpage of the meeting as it becomes available.




Annotated provisional agenda 


Draft text of the convention

Word versions of the document can be accessed in the Official Document System.


Chair’s Report of the Fifth Intersessional Consultation of the Ad Hoc Committee


Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes on its sixth session


List of Participants

Chair's Documents

Methodology for conducting the work by the Ad Hoc Committee at its sixth session proposed by the Committee Chair (18 July 2023) - PDF

Annex to the proposed methodology (18 July 2023) - PDF

Explanatory notes on the Draft text of the convention (26 July 2023) - PDF

Plenary working documents

Draft text of the convention (version as of 2 September 2023): PDF | Word

Informal meetings during the 6th session

Report of the co-facilitators of the informal open-ended meeting on Group 2, H.E. Mr. Rapulane Sydney Molekane (South Africa) and Mr. Eric Do Val Larcerda Sogocio (Brazil) - Report - Working document

Report and proposals of the co-chairs of the informal open-ended meeting on Group 4, Ms. Andrea Martin-Sawby (Jamaica) and Ms. Briony Daley Whitworth (Australia) - ReportOption 1 - Option 2

Report and working document of the coordinator of Group 5, Mr. YAMADA Tetsuya (Japan) - Report - Working document

Report and working document of the coordinator of Group 6, Mr. Phu Nguyen (Viet Nam) - Report - Working document

Report and working document of the coordinator of Group 7, Mr. Terlumun George-Maria Tyendezwa (Nigeria) – Report and working document

Report and working document of the coordinator of Group 8, Ms. Pauline Yee (Singapore) - Report - Working document

Report and working document of the coordinator of Group 10, Mr. Dan Rotenberg (European Union) - Report - Working document (version as of 12 October 2023)

Report and working document of the coordinators of Group 11,  Ms. Maria Melazza, Ms. Aldana Rohr, Ms. Mariela Bondar (Argentina) - Report (E - S) - Working document

Report and working document of the coordinator of Group 20, H.E. Mr. Juan Manuel Gómez Robledo - Report (E - S) - Working document

UN Web TV Videos

The meeting is available on demand on the UN Web TV website. You will find the direct links to the videos of the sixth session here.

The videos are available as long as they are stored in the UN Web TV database.

Consistency group

According to the Road map and mode of work of the Ad Hoc Committee, the Ad Hoc Committee decided at its fifth session to establish a group of 18 experts tasked with ensuring the consistency of the whole text of the convention in all official languages of the United Nations (A/AC.291/20). In accordance with the methodology for conducting the work of the Ad Hoc Committee at its sixth session the consistency group analyses provisions agreed upon ad referendum at the plenary meetings of the Ad Hoc Committee. The group’s recommendations will be considered by the Ad Hoc Committee in the finalization of the draft text of the convention.

The consistency group is coordinated by Claudio Peguero Castillo (Dominican Republic), Vice-Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee. The consistency group is composed of experts nominated by the following Member States: Argentina, Belarus, Burkina Faso, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Ecuador, France, Ghana, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Russian Federation, Singapore, Sudan, United Kingdom, United States and Yemen.


Statement by multi-stakeholders are available here.

Canada (E) (F)

Russian Federation (E)

Written submissions and statements by multi-stakeholders

Global and regional intergovernmental organizations, including United Nations bodies, specialized agencies and funds, as well as representatives of functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council

International Chamber of Commerce - ICC (E) (E)


Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights - OHCHR (E) (E) (E) (E)

UN Women (E)

United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF (E)

World Bank (E)

Non-governmental organizations that are in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, in accordance with Council resolution 1996/31 of 25 July 1996

Access Now (E) (E) (E)

Article 19 and Human Rights Watch (E)

Internet Society (E)

Privacy International (E)

Privacy International and Electronic Frontier Foundation (E) (E)

United States Council for the International Business, Inc. (E) (E)

Other relevant non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions and the private sector

AWTAD Anti-Corruption Organization (E) (E) (E) (E)

Chatham House (E)

CyberPeace Institute (E)

Cybersecurity Tech Accord (E) (E)

DB Connect (E)

Electronic Frontier Foundation (E)

Eticas Foundation (E) (E) (E)

Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) (E

Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (E) (E)

Global Partners Digital (E) (E) (E)

Hiperderecho, O.N.G. Derechos Digitales, Instituto Panameño de Derecho y Nuevas Teccnologías and Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales (E) (S)

Humanity for the World (S)

Kaspersky (E)

Microsoft (E)

National Law University (E)

Rashtriya Raksha University (E)

Royal Institute of International Affairs - Chatham House (E)

Stein Schjolberg (E)

Strathmore University (E)