
@isisaacdead / isisaacdead.tumblr.com

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth


seeing as the haunted tier only has 2 backers, i wanted to make it a bit more awesome. 

so no in the haunted tier not only do you get to haunt me with your name on a headstone in my yard, but you also get cool stuff!!!

now all haunted pledges will also get MYSTERY BOX 2!

this crazy box of stuff thats left over in my garage is super sweet and worth every penny! this time the contents are more random, but here is what will, and may be inside it!

1 random handmade isaac figure.

1 SIGNED retail copy of the OG binding of Isaac ( with extras )

2 sets of binding of Isaac tarot cards ( 78 cards total )

10 Isaac stickers

10 random character stickers

1 Small isaac prototype figure

2-3 resin poop magnets or Isaac or Steven head key chain or magnets

2 mewgenics stickers!

4-6 bonus items ( just stuff I find around our garage, could be Isaac themed could be a drawing, could be a defective toy! Who knows but it’s a bonus!!! )

80% chance to also get a SIGNED rare retail copy of the basement collection ( with extras )

I’ll kiss, sign an draw a poop on every box! How could it get better?

Well one box will also contain a first edition signed copy of the isaac tarot deck! only 600 of these were ever made!



You know how most kickstarters do those producer credits so people can get their name on something cool and feel all neato? Well my idea is better!

Today we have added a new tier to the kickstarter that allows you to get your name on a custom headstone  that will remain in my yard for as long as I’m around!  

Rumor has it once your name is on a headstone your soul will be bound to wherever it’s placed...  so basically by doing this you are agreeing to haunt me !!!!  Spooky Huh? Well I guess technically you will only haunt me if you die before me so think of it as a race.

Here is the nitty gritty.

In the haunted tier you will get. 1. custom headstone **with whatever info you want on it, you’re full name ( or whatever name you go by ) and some bonus text like “why did I back this tier? “ placed in my yard for all to see.

2. A picture of your head stone with me next to it looking emotional ( I will choose what emotion at random )

3. A picture of the full grave yard ( all headstones together ) 

4. A custom made hand drawn card. 

5. Everything else in the Mod tools tier.

Are you ready to haunt me for eternity? Or at least till I die? Or maybe there is no after life at all and this is a giant scam! Either way it’s going to fuck with my neighbors and it looks cool!

Bring it on you ghosts!!!

*very limited! i can only fit 10 of these in my yard!

**the place we are having make these probably wont be down with horribly offensive text, so keep that in mind.  


Official Binding of Isaac Figures!

it feels amazing to finally show off these really awesome figures. as some of you know its been a personal dream of mine to have professional binding of isaac figures made, ive tried to do short run hand made ones in the past but these really take the cake.

each vinyl figure stands about 3 inches high and comes with a clear plastic base. they are all professionally manufactured and come individually packaged.

the 4 figures available are  Isaac, Cain, Maggy and Judas.

these figures are exclusive to kickstarter, and you can only get them on The Hoarder tier and above. i HIGHLY recommend getting your hands on these, its really easy to bump your pledge up  and The Hoarder tier also features a huge 4 player game mat (made of mouse pad like material), exclusive tshirt and a uncut sheet of monster cards straight from the printer for collectors. 

you also get all the extras we have been packing into each box and the gold box version of the game with the games expansion. ( so far we are including 2 stickers, a bunch of extra cards and the digital ost for the game, but there is more to come )




i’m going to try and rapid fire basically everything that has happened in the past 10 days for the four souls kickstarter here.. so stay with me.

Day 1. the kickstarter launched at midnight, hitting 100% funding in less than an hour and a half!

we rolled out our stretch goals day one and people destroyed the basement in only a few hours, unlocking samson and blood lust!

1. 6 people adopted cats and named them guppy.

2. quite a few people made us an amazing wiki page.

3. over 60 people sent in photos of hand made isaac art

4. 50+ people sent in pics of themselves crying

5. we crushed 5k backers, easy peasy.

we descended to the caves and within a day unlocked Eve!

1. 100+ people sent in pics of isaac items found around their houses.

2. my wiki page was finally updated after years and now i look like a really cool dude!

3. well over 30 people sent in pics of their isaac tattoos and they continue to do so.

4. 21 of you sent in pictures of yourselves nude in a basement

5. we blasted past that $500k mark.

we descended to the depths and unlocked the cursed horf and shit got weird.

1. the bloat was RTed over 1.3k times #fuckthebloat!

2. 4 people cosplayed as guppy and posted pics

3. 50+ people sent in pics of their last isaac build. 

4. 30+ fans posted pics of their moms with bibles on their heads

5. we got over 10K backers!

we entered a hot sticky womb, unlocked Lilith and her Incubus and the love started flowing.

1. 3 people reenacted the fight with mom’s heart and one person got mad at the suggestion of someone using a cow heart to do so!

2. well over 40 people drew pictures of me nude resulting in me losing almost 2k followers on twitter.  

3. 46 people wrote poems about their moms and some were quite heart felt. 

4. a ton of people posted pictures of ultra sounds with #illnamehimisaac and i think a few parents had heart attacks on facebook.

5. the kickstarter currently has over 8.3k RTs and growing!

we then dropped down into sheol and became satanists! unlocking a devil deal in the process.

1. 32 fans made isaac faces on windows out of post-its.

2. 200+ people posted their play time on isaac and i RTed over 50 that had 2k+ hours. 

3. 12 fans interrupted people in public to ask if they have heard about our lord and savior Isaac.

4. 46 of you sent in pics worshiping satan, and then the church of Satan got pissy with me on twitter.

5. we exceeded $1million in funding!   

we went deeper! doing really weird shit in the dark, running into and unlocking some kinda chest?

1. 20+ people posted video of them beating the basement blindfolded with the help of a friend.

2. 125 of you sent in pictures of fat brown guys with glasses and facial hair and we called it a day. 

3. 9 fans cosplayed as isaac in public, one went as far as to advertise for the KS at a con ! 

4. 70+ people sent me black images, and some sent disturbingly graphic pictures of themselves pooping on the potty. 

5. 10+ popular streamers talked about the card game live!

we then floated upward toward the light! unlocking The Soul of Guppy!

1. Northernlion jumped on stream right after this was posted and said his catch phrase 12 times, then went offline. also a bunch of you actually sent in videos of you making eggs speak!

2. 7 fans remade the isaac intro, it was awesome. (one of my faves)

3. 38 of you took videos explaining the story of isaac to your mothers.

4. only 37 fans ended up dressing up like mom and posting pics.. come on!

5. 17 people beat mom using only  their feet,  we streamed trying to do the same and failed.. 

and finally we ascended to the chest.. and that’s where we are today!

1. so far 2 people have found me.

2. i’ve gained 500 followers

3. 10 people claim to be getting tattoos of some aspect of the card game this week.

4. 70+ people posted pics of themselves in boxes 

5. about 11 parents got to the caves all by themselves.

will this be the end? we arent even to the half way point yet! how can this be the end!? well find out by following me on twitter - facebook - instagram


fans also unlocked the following ( for doing extra special things! )

1. this neato sticker sheet was added to all boxes! 

2. this amazing easy listening ost for the card game by Ridiculon. https://soundcloud.com/edmund-mcmillen/leisure-suit-isaac-the-four-souls-medley

3. this super cool semi transparent stained glass sticker! ( also included in all game boxes )

4. we spoiled tons of new cool cards! 

and there is soooo much ahead of us if this thing continues to spread around. so keep spreading the word! THEFOURSOULS.COM 

PS: please check my twitter if you wanna see actual videos and pics of the challenges described above. i wanted to do a collage of stuff but i just don’t have much time :\


the mystery box?!

there was once a couple that ran their own shop, they would sell very limited run hand made binding of isaac figures for high prices, and signed rare retail copies of video games. their shop was booming, but the work it took keeping up with shipping these damn things almost killed them.. and once they had a baby the shop was gone forever... but what became of the few extra items they had in their garage?? well legend has it the remaining items were all split among 20 very special and magical boxes all kissed and signed by a mystical “creator”.

the mystery box is the current “ultra tier” for our kickstarter campaign, and for super fans with $$$s only! 

here is what it contains:

2 random very limited edition Isaac themed hand made figures ( possible figures you can get are isaac, eve, wrath, guppy, satan, XL gurdy, gemini, lust, blue baby and the keeper )

1 SIGNED rare retail copy of the basement collection ( with extras )

1 SIGNED retail copy of the OG binding of Isaac ( with extras )

1 set of binding of Isaac tarot cards ( 78 cards total )

5 Isaac stickers

5 random character stickers

2 random tarot card stickers

1 Small isaac prototype figure

2-3 resin poop magnets

1 Isaac or Steven head key chain or magnet

2 mewgenics stickers!

2-5 bonus items ( just stuff I find around our garage, could be Isaac themed could be a drawing, could be a defective toy! Who knows but it’s a bonus!!! )

I’ll kiss, sign an draw a question mark on every box! How could it get better?

Well one box will also contain my personal keeper prototype from the Isaac arg!

this was actually the first one of these i made, but i misspelled isaac on his back so i had to make another... but this was the original! a few boxes will also contain extra copies of the missing poster that was also a part of the arg. 

ONLY 20 of these are being made! get yours now at thefoursouls.com


The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls!

After months of secret development, i can finally announce that the binding of isaac is getting a card game! and its great (i swear).

check out our kickstarter and help spread the word, i really loved designing this game and its amazing to finally get to work along side my wife, friends, and fans of Isaac to make it a reality.




The Forgotten Booster!

The final booster is now live!

this booster features a large number of little bits and pieces and a few big chunks if you dig around a bit... but i wont spoil the fun for anyone here.

here is a short list that features no spoilers.

8 new mod items: (fixed up and retuned by @AdriangGray)

Blanket -  by Ratlah

Sacrificial Alter -  by Niro

Lil Spewer -  by Strawrat

Marbles -  by Amethyst

Mystery Egg - by Strawrat

Flat Stone -  by Maddogs

Rotten penny -  by Eufuu

Baby Bender -  by Ink Tears

Real Cone Head (visual fixes) - by  Stewartisme

More Dirt Sprites (visual fixes) - by Piber20

5 new enemies! 

1 new boss!

64 new achievements (28 new, the rest from the switch version)

817 new rooms ( made by Nik @LethalLeather )

literally 100s of fixes and improvements meticulously implemented by ( Vinh  @FixItVinh ) full list HERE

Vinh and myself really tried to add some extra special things to this booster. be sure to tell us what you think and ill be watching as the chaos unfolds!

till next time!


PS: booster 4 and 5 are being ported to console. im not sure when they will release but they will! stay tuned


A New Years QA!

Q: Are you a part of Team Meat?

A: As Team Meat stated in a recent interview, I am no longer part of the team.

Q: Are you working on super meat boy forever or anything meat boy related?

A: Tommy and I are now working independently. Meat Boy will always be special to me and nothing can take away how personal the characters i made are to me and how proud i am of what was created back in 2009. I wish the team all the luck and I’m very interested to see what amazing things they do with the IP.

Q: I’ve been emailing you but i don’t get a response, did your contact email change?

A: If you are trying to contact me using Edmund@supermeatboy.com please change the URL to EdmundM.com and it will definitely get to me. you can also easily get a hold of me via my twitter @EdmundMcMillen.

Q: What about Mewgenics?

A: Oh Mewgenics... for those that dont know, Mewgenics was that cat game i worked on years ago that never saw the light of day... here is a little blast from the past to jog your memory.

welllll Tyler and I are currently prototyping some stuff for it and if all goes well I’m 99% sure that little monster will once again become my obsession. Mewgenics was always my oddball dream project and probably the game I’m questioned about the most these days. Mewgenics is being remade from the ground up so don’t expect to see much for a year or two.

Who am I kidding I’ll probably start teasing the first beta images once things get moving along...


Q: What are you currently working on?

A: I’m currently working on a turn based,  puzzle, rogueish game called The Legend of Bum-bo with James Id. we are at the tail end of dev on it and hope to release it on steam, iOS via "The Label" and Switch this year. Expect a trailer and more dev blog goodness in the coming months.

The game is a mix of Puzzle Quest and The Binding of isaac, with a tactics spin, and is technically a prequel to the binding of Isaac...

you can find more info on it here > http://legendofbum-bo.com/

Q: The End is Nigh seemed like it came out of nowhere? why did you decide to make it and why keep it secret till its release?

A: The End is Nigh is probably my most personal project to date, it spawned from a very difficult time in my life where i questioned the point of continuing to make games and if my heart was really in it anymore. it was simply something i really needed to do in order to find myself again and in the end its the one thing that kept me from retiring. 

working on that game with Tyler was amazingly cathartic and it became a giant personal achievement.

Tyler and i didn't talk much about the games development publicly because we weren't sure it was going to actually see the light of day. I've started many projects that have become stone walled by outside sources or just vapor ware and i didn't want to get anyone's hopes up (including mine) with this one.. so we just kept our mouths shut and popped out a game in 7 months. i honestly like this style of dev a lot more, but in hindsight it would have probably been a much more popular game if we had hyped it up for a few months before release.

The End is Nigh is out now on Steam and Switch. 

Q: The End is Nigh on ps4?

A: Yes, Nicalis is currently porting the game to Ps4.. maybe more consoles in the future?

Q: what happened to that game you teased last year called 0uroboros?

A: 0uroboros kind of became The End is Nigh, that isn't to say that random gen shooter is dead and gone, i just think both Tyler and i need a break from platforming games and think its best to put our time into mewgenics before revisiting the platforming genre.

Q: how’s the family?

A: doing quite well these days, my daughter PJ (Peach) just turned 2 and i’m still acclimating to this new thing called "having a life". i definitely feel for all the parents out there who work full time with a family... this shit is hard. But Danielle and Peach are doing great and I’m honestly finally starting to become a lot less of a workaholic and it feels a pretty great.

Q: Whats next for Isaac?

A: we are currently finishing up the final free content booster for Afterbirth+ it should release in a month or so and feature a bit more content than previous ones.

Q: When will consoles get all the booster content PC has?

A: Once all the boosters release on PC, Nicalis will start porting them to console, currently the first 3 boosters are already avable though.

Q: is Afterbirth+ ever coming out on Xbox1?

A: yes, i can officially say that Afterbirth+ is in development and will release on Xbox1!

Q: i hear you are considering a sequel to the binding of Isaac, is this true?!

A: truth be told, i tend to design sequels to projects i love pretty soon after release, sometimes those turn into totally new IPs, sometimes the ideas die and other times you get diarrhea. what does this mean for Isaac 2? i have no idea, but please leave me alone.

Q: Is this really the end of Isaac? no more dlc?

A: i did say many times this was going to be the last isaac DLC.. and at the time i strongly believed it. but there seems to be something pretty cool on the horizon, its creeping up slowly.. its familiar but a bit different and its being held up by a group of people... when i squint i think i can make out a... oh sorry i gotta go, there is someone watching me in my space ship.


Booster Pack 4 You!

Welcome to today's Booster Pack #4 Blog Update

Edmund is out at piano class tonight. I'm your guest host Tyrone Rodriguez (@tyronerodriguez)

If you've been following Isaac and you probably have if you're here, you know we've been working on Booster Packs. Yesterday we released #4.

Booster Pack #4 (insert applause here). Exciting news, Booster Packs now have long-overdue credits for the modders. Special thanks to all the modders and Brenton for putting together the modder list for us to include in the credits. You're all awesome and we love what you've put together. Now go beat the game, watch the credits and take a bow! 

Aside from the credit roll update for Booster Pack #4, we included a lot of new items that have been adjusted and balanced by the team to work better in the Isaac universe. Also, we have more guest dev members in the form of FixItVinh + LethalLeather and Zami on this pack.

Booster Pack #4 has a lot of new awesome stuff from our team and yours. We want to thank you for the continued support of the game and making awesome stuff! Keep making it!

OK, so what's new:

Death’s List

Extension Cord





We'll be gathering names and information to update the credits again with all the new mods ASAP. 

Console people, Booster Pack 1-3 are currently available for your Nintendo Switch and PS4, we'll integrate these BP4 changes and try to add within a timely fashion. PSA: We don't have control when Nintendo/Sony do/don't approve them, but we'll work as fast as we can.


The End is Nigh up for Preorder on steam!

The End is Nigh can now be preordered on steam at a 10% discount… but if you own The Binding of Isaac (rebirth or original), Closure or Bombernauts you’ll get an extra 10% off! (because you are so loyal!) 20% off!!! OMG!

for those unaware The End is Nigh is my next big project that Tyler Glaiel and i have been working on since last year in secret! its a (very challenging) sprawling adventure platformer, packed to the brim with hard to reach collectibles, mini games and tons of places to explore! 

Pre order now! (20% off if you own isaac!)

The End is Nigh is coming to Steam July 12th, Switch sometime later… and maybe more consoles? who knows!?

New Footage and music!

some of you may have missed our live at e3 stream of The End, well dont worry because this footage is much better! it shows some of chapter 1 (The End) and finishes inside the mouth of “something from the future”.

we also spoiled some music from the game, above is Overflow (chapter 3) and The Wall of Sorrow.

More news about the amazing OST next week!

stay tuned!


Booster Rooster #2!

remember when i said we were attempting monthly(ish) booster updates? well i guess that should have read bi-monthly(ish). turns out its not as quick and easy as we expected, but bear with us. 

we haven recently acquired 2 new booster helpers, you probably know them actually. (but we will talk about that more in next months post) their addition may not speed things up a ton, but it will mean that the next booster may feature some extra bits and pieces that i think you guys will dig. 

on to the booster content!

Moving Box - by Tim l'enchanteur

Telepathy - by Eufuu 

Tech 0 - by  Ashkait &  Scayze

Jumper Cables - by  Ashkait &  Scayze

Coupon - by Plumbo

Leprosy - inspired by Extreme Ninja Home Makeover (redesigned by me)

Filigree Feather - by Me 

this booster also features these fun cosmetic extras:

Bomb Stacking - by S-body

Visible Jar of Flies - by  Stewartisme

Dressing Table - by Sinsthar

(dressing table will appear in the starting room when you have above X items and allows you to refresh your look as you see fit)

this booster also features my first attempt at angel room balancing, tell me how you like it.

and it also features something else little... or large i cant remember.

anyway i hope you guys dig this booster, there is more to come just hold tight and we will eventually get in to a smoother groove.

on a side note not many of you know this but Tyler and i have been in crunch mode for the past 3 months trying to finish this secret project. we are coming close to announcing it and its release date, so keep and eye out for it, i dont want to spoil the fun yet but i can say this.

its hard, its weird, its personal, its has amazing controls, its a totally new unannounced IP and its easily one of the largest games ive ever made level wise.



Booster Tutor!

The first Binding of Isaac AB+ mod booster is finally live!

for those who are out of the loop, we are attempting monthly(ish) updates to Afterbirth+ that will make specific fan made mods official in game, as well as possibly adding a few extras of my own and maybe some guest designers? who the fuck knows, im just flying by the seat of my pants at this point!

Booster #1 features the following!


Lil Delerium by  Scayze & Ashkait

Sprinkler by Kieran & Stewartisme

Buddy in a Box by  Scayze & Ashkait

Black Hole by Custom Phase

Broken Modem by Freeze

Angry Fly by Custom Phase

Mystery Gift by Mills

Bozo by Electoon

Fast Bombs! by me!


Hairpin by Zarat.us

Wooden Cross by Mills & ep

Butter! by Florian Himsl (& me!)


a few new magical cards by JOHN MADDEN (of all people!)

a few new hair styles for Eden by Niche Hobby Robot

optional charge bars by Wofsauge

new dice room visual cues by Wofsauge (& me!)

(note: some minor changes needed to be made to some items and visuals were added to ones that were missing them by the Nicalis team)

all of these mods came from the first few weeks after afterbirth +s release, but they were all still quite impressive and very well done, ya done good people! and for those who dont mod, i hope you enjoy the labor of love the fans and the team put in to bring you these boosters free of charge!

we hope the next booster will be out late next month, but who the fuck knows anymore.

so here is what im looking for, for the next boosters...

Challenges!!!! i really wanna add fan challenges with achievements and unlockable items in the next boosters, ideally id like at least one each time.. but ill take what i can get.

challenges should do something totally new, they should challenge the player and force them to play the game differently than normal, dont just put a few items on the player, we have more than enough of those.

Enemies / Bosses!!!! just try to stay on theme and ill do what i can to balance and add them in.

Angel Room items!!!! i know people have issue with the angel rooms and i have a few ideas on how to push them up a tad...but id like some new items to throw in there as well, thats where you come in...

im also up for whatever oddball ideas you guys have, ive seen some impressive stuff out there, so please continue! 

and please please send me links to your mods on twitter so i can RT them to the masses and also check out what you've been working on, my twitter is

in other news...

our shop has fully restocked those isaac tarot decks!

We also have signed posters, pc copies and more!

i wanted to gush about isaac on the switch but ive run out of time and there are people watching me in my spaceship... till next time!



What’s In the Box?2?! Take 2


Ed is sleeping so you’re stuck with me for now. 

A few updates today:

THE BINDING OF ISAAC: AFTERBIRTH+ for NINTENDO SWITCH   For those of you who have pre-ordered already you may have noticed your order shifted date. We were unable to confirm the revised release date until now (due to issues way beyond our control), but can confirm that the Release Date for The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ on Nintendo Switch has been pushed back. It’s still March, but we won’t make 3.3 (insert sad face here). 

HOWEVER, we’ve got a big surprise

Included in every launch edition (and you probably already know this are two limited sticker sheets and the reversible alternate cover. 

We’re also going to include the Isaac face sticker everyone loves. Here’s where it gets really good, a full-color 20-page Instruction Booklet. 

This beautiful homage to an 8-bit era gone-by features little details on the game and some never-before-seen art inside. 

And, reminder, this is for the launch edition only. We WILL NOT be including this manual in any future Switch production runs. 

BOOSTER PACKS We’re still working very hard implementing and testing all the initial mods from January into the first booster pack. Expect maybe one or two more updates before the Booster Pack kicks in, but it’s coming. And keep your mods coming into the workshop, we’re reviewing as many as we can.  Questions? I’m on Twitter: @tyronerodriguez


What’s In the Box?1?!

Well, technically it’s a case, but “What’s in the case?” doesn’t have the same ring. The image above should be relatively self-explanatory, but I’ll go through it step-by-step anyway.

What you’re seeing above are all the goodies included in the launch edition of The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ for Nintendo Switch.

For $39.99 USD you get the following:

- The lovely physical game card and fancy Nintendo Switch game case - A REVERSIBLE alternate front cover - A high-quality, glossy official sticker set featuring some fan favorite characters One of the important things I want to mention (because I don’t want anyone to be sad later) is that THESE ITEMS WILL NOT BE INCLUDED in subsequent runs. This is launch edition-only stuff right here. If you plan on buying The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ for Nintendo Switch, you should probably pre-order or do your best to get it at launch (I highly recommend the latter). I don’t know how long supplies of this stuff will last at retail (probably not very long).

So, don’t be an egg... pre-order yours right now!

Moving on. There’s a new update coming up with more bugfixes. Hopefully, by now, it’s easy enough for even Northernlion to get past the Basement.

Also, keep those mods coming.


The Boosting of Isaac

Herro everyone, it's me, Tyrone again. 

Ed and I decided it's a good idea to do a mid-week update related to the Boosting of Isaac, new mods and new items that we'll be adding in the coming months. As of this Friday the game is a month old, yea!

OK, so to the point, it's February, where the hell are the mods? 

To get to that I want to walk you through the entire process. Hang out for a bit, it'll be worth it if you're remotely interested in our expansion to the expansion to the expansion.

The first step in each Booster Pack is choosing what goes in. To do that we're going to establish some eligibility rules. Let's use January as an example:

- Every mod submitted from January 1st (yes, I know the game came out on the 3rd) until January 31st is eligible for consideration in a booster pack- As the month goes on Ed, the rest of the team and I will review what is uploaded to the workshop

- Within two weeks AFTER January is over (that is, the middle of February, we'll have a final count of what will go in the Booster Pack- Now that we have the selected mods (be it items or a Brimstone charge meter), we actually have to implement them into the game (and possibly retune/adjust)

- Once that's done, we'll be testing those new items 

- When all of this is complete, we'll push the Booster Pack live

- Short version: Items that we've selected from January submissions would go live and appearing by the end of March. Every subsequent Booster Pack will follow this step-by-step

(by the way, that doesn't me that you shouldn't expect regular updates to the game as needed--including deeper Mod support support, support)

So we've talked eligibility dates, selection and release. Something else we need to touch on is inclusion of mods into Afterbirth+. Very soon we'll be updating the front page of the Workshop to reflect a agreement and consent which we'll need to include your mod in Afterbirth+, which will include credit to you in the game. This is the only way we can get mods in the game without creating unwanted issues. 

That's it for now. I wish there was more I can tell you because we have a lot planned. We're counting on all of you to make things worth including in the game. At this point we're almost at 1,400 mods. That's awesome. As always, I’m on Twitter if you have questions or want to show me cool stuff. k, bye Good updating coming Monday!


The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ Megapost 2017 (brought to you by Mega Satan)

It’s me, Tyrone, again. --> @tyronerodriguez I've taken over duties with today's megapost, which was supposed to go live last week #sorry. We were busy updating the PC version and announcing the Nintendo Switch retail version of The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+. Oh yeah, we also released Rebirth on iOS. It was a busy week.

AFTERBIRTH+ STATUS REPORT If you've played Afterbirth+, you've probably seen the regular patches, bug fixes and tweaks since launch. It’s been just over two weeks since launch and we're still working away at making sure the game is perfect, as-balanced-as-possible and as bug-free as possible. If you’re having issues getting the game running, I apologize and we’re probably either working on a fix and/or there might already be one available. Some of you put together a collective bug list, thank you for that--you’re really awesome: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AVAvmAgN_ioU-rrvTkTTmk4wRckAb4zXho_3V0Gb2T0/edit#heading=h.254nqn55vs0c If you have anything to report please send it (and be as thorough as possible) to isaac@nicalis.com

tl;dr We're still fixing stuff, we'll continue to fix stuff and we are still accepting/considering feedback that will improve the game experience BOOSTER PACKS We're still committed to providing updates as long as there's new content created by the community. You've already been busy making really great items, weapons and mods for the game. We'll will have an official method of submissions and accepting mods into monthly updates. Keep doing what you've been doing. Personally, I’d love to put in @ThatScayze’s Pac-Man Mod, as a random bonus room.

API/MOD SUPPORT When we started working on mod support and opening up the game to all of you, I was very hopeful that you'd make amazing things. As I mentioned previously, tomorrow will be two weeks since launch and you've already impressed the entire team with what you've created in such a short amount of time. I can't imagine what you will be making a year from now. Like the main portion of AB+, we're still fixing bugs, updating the API and making improvements that will allow you to make more changes to the game. What you see now isn't the final version of the mod tools, but just the beginning. If you do have feature requests, also send them to isaac@nicalis.com with subject: Mod Tools Suggestion

Later this week/early next week we plan to do a quick Mod Tools Tutorial stream online with a few of the Afterbirth+ team members to help you get a better understanding on how to get started modding. Watch my Twitter @tyronerodriguez for more details as we get ready to confirm a final date and time. We'll also be fielding questions from the chat during the tutorial stream.

iOS The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is available on iOS as a universal binary. We’ll have AppleTV support at a later time, but right now it’s touch- and MFI-compatible. Requires iOS10, runs at 60fps xoxo

You can report iOS bugs to isaac@nicalis.com; please put iOS Isaac Bugs in the subjectline.  We're investigating a few things, including keyboard support. If you have any other feedback or reasonable requests, I’m listening. For unreasonable requests, please see Northernlion.

Other stuff..

NINTENDO SWITCH By now you've hopefully heard that The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ is coming to Nintendo Switch in retail form. What does it mean?

It means that there is more than just The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on launch. Afterbirth+ will be available at retail as well as on the Nintendo eShop for $39.99 and will include Rebirth, Afterbirth and Afterbirth+ packed together as one game.

If you're that excited about the game, it's still available to pre-order at GameStop and Amazon. You might want to consider pre-ordering as the first few thousand copies may come backed in with something special Amazon: http://a.co/9MKriNl Gamestop: http://www.gamestop.com/games/binding-of-isaac-afterbirth-nintendo-switch/141924 You can also get our other Switch game, Redout out, too: Amazon: http://a.co/i8NY8Ss Gamestop: http://www.gamestop.com/games/redout-nintendo-switch/141922 Bye! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PRAISE NICOLO ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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