

@edmundmcmillen / edmundmcmillen.tumblr.com

Personal blog and garbage dump of Edmund McMillen

The End is Nigh up for Preorder on steam!

The End is Nigh can now be preordered on steam at a 10% discount... but if you own The Binding of Isaac (rebirth or original), Closure or Bombernauts you'll get an extra 10% off! (because you are so loyal!) 20% off!!! OMG!

for those unaware The End is Nigh is my next big project that Tyler Glaiel and i have been working on since last year in secret! its a (very challenging) sprawling adventure platformer, packed to the brim with hard to reach collectibles, mini games and tons of places to explore! 

Pre order now! (20% off if you own isaac!)

The End is Nigh is coming to Steam July 12th, Switch sometime later... and maybe more consoles? who knows!?

New Footage and music!

some of you may have missed our live at e3 stream of The End, well dont worry because this footage is much better! it shows some of chapter 1 (The End) and finishes inside the mouth of “something from the future”.

we also spoiled some music from the game, above is Overflow (chapter 3) and The Wall of Sorrow.

More news about the amazing OST next week!

stay tuned!


Lets make a DLC together (part2)

last  time we had this chat i was asking you all to stick your ideas deep inside me, and though i barely felt it... i still left satisfied (with a little help from myself...).

this week id like to do it again, this time i want to try and tackle it from a new angle.. but more on that later. first i want to toss around a few item ideas that i thought were out of the box, awesome or just neato.

dont expect all these items to make their way into the dlc, and dont expect the ones that do to be exactly as you designed them but still.. these are the item suggestions i enjoyed the most. 

-a tear effect that gives you tears up the longer you stay still but they scatter as they go up. (like a gatling gun)

-a trinket that makes tinted rocks shine and slightly raises their appearance.

-a tear effect that makes your tears go off screen and loop back around behind you (like asteriods)

- a usable item that makes the last tear you fired blow up into smaller tears like the sad bomb or tammys head (timed charge)

- a charge up gurdy jr familiar

- sticky bomb tear stat effect (the effected tear sticks to what it touches and blows up after a short time limit)

- a trinket that defuses troll bombs

- an item that mixes all item pools

- a new bum friend that levels up the more you "feed him"

- golden heart pickups (when depleted you spawn a few hearts)

- a store item that refreshes the store after items are purchased from it. 

- a tear stat effect that when hits calls down a beam of light that does area damage

- a tear effect that raises your damage the more your tears hit (missing would reset the effect)

- a store item that turns all locked doors into arcade doors (unlocked with one coin)

and then there are these general suggestions that id like to fit in somewhere.

- bone tears

- eyeball tears

- poop familiar 

so kudos to those of you who suggested these, there were other good suggestions as well that i didnt mention.. because they were already planned for the dlc... 

now lets get to that new reddit suggestion thingy.




upvote those you like, down vote those you dont.

DO: suggest simple and to the point things like... "i want to see my seed code on the death screen" or "i want a seed code that lets p2 become invincible so i can play with my little brother who sucks"

DON'T: suggest overly complex ideas like... "i want there to be a boss that when you kill it you get to play as him in your next run" or "i want to be able to play the game on my wiiU and Xbox1 at the same time with my friends online"

DON'T: suggest things that will extend our dev time for ages like... "online co-op!" or "online anything!"

DO: be creative, suggest things you have thought to yourself.. "hey that would be really neat if they added this feature" or "having X would be really helpful in the dlc".

i swear im reading your suggestions and writing down the good ones, but do me a favor and think a bit about them before you throw them into the thread. 

in a week or 2 ill do another update talking about what ones i think are good and we can move on to the next thinger. 

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