Continuous Delivery Software

TrustRadius Top Rated for 2024

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GitLab DevSecOps platform enables software innovation by aiming to empower development, security, and operations teams to build better software, faster. With GitLab, teams can create, deliver, and manage code quickly and continuously instead of managing disparate tools and scripts.…


Jenkins is an open source automation server. Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying and automating any project. As an extensible automation server, Jenkins can be used as a simple CI server or turned into a continuous delivery hub for any project.

Tricentis qTest

Tricentis qTest (formerly QASymphony) provides enterprise-level agile testing tools giving businesses visibility and control needed to ensure application quality in fast-paced development environments. Tricentis and QASymphony merged in summer 2018.

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GitLab DevSecOps platform enables software innovation by aiming to empower development, security, and operations teams to build better software, faster. With GitLab, teams can create, deliver, and manage code quickly and continuously instead of managing disparate tools and scripts.…


Jenkins is an open source automation server. Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying and automating any project. As an extensible automation server, Jenkins can be used as a simple CI server or turned into a continuous delivery hub for any project.

Heroku Platform

The Heroku Platform, now from Salesforce, is a platform-as-a-service based on a managed container system, with integrated data services and ecosystem for deploying modern apps. It takes an app-centric approach for software delivery, integrated with developer tools and workflows.…


LaunchDarkly provides a feature management platform that enables DevOps and Product teams to use feature flags at scale. This allows for greater collaboration among team members, and increased usability testing before full-scale feature deployment.

Tricentis qTest

Tricentis qTest (formerly QASymphony) provides enterprise-level agile testing tools giving businesses visibility and control needed to ensure application quality in fast-paced development environments. Tricentis and QASymphony merged in summer 2018.

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CircleCI is a software delivery engine from the company of the same name in San Francisco, that helps teams ship software faster, offering their platform for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD). Ultimately, the solution helps to map every source of change for software…

Octopus Deploy

Australian company Octopus Deploy offers their eponymous automated deployment and release management software that integrates with the user's preferred CI server and adds deployment & ops automation capabilities. Octopus Deploy enables developers, release managers, and operations…

Apache Tomcat

Tomcat is an open-source web server supported by Apache.


Australian company Atlassian offers Bamboo, a continuous integration server.

IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery

IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery, available on IBM Cloud, allows users to provision an integrated toolchain using customizable, shareable templates with tools from IBM, third parties and open source. Automate builds and tests with Tekton-based delivery pipelines, and control quality…

Apache Maven

Apache Maven is an open source build automation tool.

Redgate Flyway

Flyway, by Redgate, automates database deployments across teams and technologies. It is a database devops solution that is used to accelerate software delivery and ensure quality code.


Bitrise, software from the company of the same name in Budapest, helps users automate daily app development tasks from building through testing to deployment. With Bitrise, users can configure these tasks with a visual Workflow editor, with over 330 service integrations ready to…


Unleash is an open-source feature management platform. It's built for high scale and supports all the major programming languages. Unleash lets users turn new features on/off in production with no need for redeployment. A software development best practice for releasing and validating…


An enterprise ready, low-code Git-based DevOps toolchain that enables all developers to connect, transform and modernize mainframe application with CI/CD automation, integrated developer environments (IDE), AI/ML-based application performance monitoring and visualization dashboards,…

Azure Pipelines

Users can automate builds and deployments with Azure Pipelines. Build, test, and deploy Node.js, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, C/C++, .NET, Android, and iOS apps. Run in parallel on Linux, macOS, and Windows. Azure Pipelines can be purchased standalone, but it is also part of Azure DevOps…

Rocket DevOps

Rocket DevOps (formerly Rocket Aldon) enables true end-to-end (CI/CD) for IBM i+ environments. Businesses can extend holistic DevSecOps best practices to the IBM i, pursue innovative experimentation, easily respond to compliance audits, and adapt to the ever-changing expectations…

18 Release Release, formerly XebiaLabs XL Release, is a release management tool designed for enterprises that enables users to control and track releases, standardize processes, and bake compliance and security into software release pipelines. As a release orchestration tool, Digital.…

CloudBees Continuous Integration

CloudBees Continuous Integration (formerly the CloudBees Jenkins Platform) is a continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) solution that extends Jenkins. Developed for on-premise installations, CloudBees CI offers stable releases with monthly updates, as well as additional…


Copado is a Native Full DevOps Solution for Salesforce from the company of the same name in Chicago, designed to support fast, error-free releases. Its value stream maps enable users to visualize a team’s delivery process, identify bottlenecks, and gather metrics and insights on…


Codemagic is a developer's CI/CD tool for mobile app projects. Build Android, iOS, React Native, Ionic, Unity, and Flutter projects on Codemagic.Codemagic uses its own CLI tools under the hood to perform complicated tasks like code signing and distribution to the stores. These are…

Hudson CI (discontinued)

Oracle acquired and then supported Hudson Continuous Integration through 2016. Oracle no longer updates or supports Hudson. It was available free and open source under an MIT license, but it is no longer being developed, and is no longer available.


Flagsmith, from the company of the same name in London, allows users to manage feature flags across web, mobile and server side applications in order to deliver true Continuous Integration and get builds out faster, as well as control who has access to new features. Flagsmtih offers…


Buildkite is a CI and build automation tool that combines the power of the user's own build infrastructure with the convenience of a managed, centralized web UI.

IBM DevOps Deploy

A solution for continuous delivery of any application to any environment, and an application-release solution that infuses automation into the continuous delivery and continuous deployment (CI/CD) process and provides robust visibility, traceability and auditing capabilities.

Learn More About Continuous Delivery Software

What is Continuous Delivery Software?

Continuous delivery software enables an approach to development in which code can be deployed quickly and often, with minimal downtime for the end-user. Typically this means generating software builds in small, repetitive cycles. Unlike continuous deployment, continuous delivery is typically not fully automated, allowing administrators to halt deployments as needed.

Continuous delivery tools are essential for businesses that need to push updates out fast with minimal downtime. If a business doesn’t update their applications regularly or can accept downtime during application updating, a continuous delivery solution can still be beneficial since less supervision is needed.

Continuous delivery software gives businesses a more significant amount of control over their code deployments compared to other options. These deployments are low risk and on-demand, which can help businesses go to market faster with software releases. This is also beneficial since businesses can easily update their products as market demand dictates allowing them to stay in competition with their competitors.

Continuous Delivery Software Features

Most continuous delivery software products have the following features:

  • Deliver code from staging to production
  • Create software builds from repositories
  • Automation of deployments
  • Manage frequent deployments
  • Version control capabilities
  • Build testing
  • Build updates as needed
  • Language specific integrations

Continuous Delivery Software Comparison

Before purchasing continuous delivery software, businesses should consider the following factors:

Supported languages: Some continuous delivery tools specialize in delivering apps built with certain languages, while others take a more generalist approach. If a business completes its development process primarily in a few languages, they should consider a tool that specializes in those languages.

Testing Features: All continuous delivery tools support the deployment of code, but some also include testing features so businesses can be sure their code is functioning properly as they build their applications. These additional features also tend to cost more, so businesses should consider how much they need them when choosing a continuous delivery tool.

Repositories Supported: Some continuous delivery tools have built-in support for specific version control tools, allowing production to move faster. Some continuous delivery options even include their own version control. Before purchasing this software, they should make sure they choose a platform that supports their code repositories.

Start a Continuous Delivery Software comparison here

Pricing Information

Some free continuous delivery options are available, but most are either on a trial basis or are highly limited on uptime or features. For organizations with multiple applications or that update often, a paid tool may be required.

Paid tools for continuous delivery options depending on the feature set offered by the software. Vendors commonly offer their platforms as a service with a monthly subscription. Smaller businesses with only a few projects may be able to take advantage of free continuous delivery options. Still, larger businesses should expect to pay at least $70.00 per month or more if they have many projects or need a large amount of cache storage.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does continuous delivery software do?

Continuous delivery software allows businesses to automate almost all of their entire software release process. Anytime a revision is added to the design, developers can manually add these changes to the end product.

What are the benefits of using continuous delivery software?

Continuous delivery tools provide businesses the tools needed to push updates out faster with less downtime, respond to market changes more quickly, and automate their software release process.

How much does continuous delivery software cost?

Continuous delivery tools range in price, but businesses should expect to pay around $70.00 per month for their platform. This rate increases as more features, projects, or storage is added. Most vendors will also provide a free trial or version to businesses before committing.