Brave Browser Now Comes With Integration for Wayback Machine

Wayback Machine is a really incredible tool on the web that archives the web, and lets users go back in time whenever they want. The tool is available on this link, but it’s now getting integrated into the Brave browser.

Brave and Wayback Machine announced yesterday that the Wayback Machine is getting an integrated right into the Brave browser.

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The feature is pretty cool: when you run into a page that doesn’t exist (404 error), Brave will show a prompt asking if you would like to check for a saved/archived version on the Wayback Machine. It will then perform an automated Wayback Machine lookup, and take you to that page if an archived version is available.

Wayback Machine says the new one-click access to archived versions of web pages is available for a total of 15 different HTTP error codes, including  404, 408, 410, 451, 500, 502, 503, 504, 509, 520, 521, 523, 524, 525, and 526.

The new feature is available with Brave 1.4 from the official site here. For users of other browsers, that are extensions that enable a similar functionality — you can get that for Safari hereChrome here and Firefox here.

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Conversation 2 comments

  • lwetzel

    Premium Member
    26 February, 2020 - 11:37 am

    <p>Seems to me when I do a search for something I get way too much old and out-dated hits. I would like to see much more archived and taken off the internet.</p>

  • Daekar

    26 February, 2020 - 1:34 pm

    <p>This is actually really darn cool. Good on them for adding this functionality.</p>

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