Our Team

The SoundSelf Team consists of industry experts in immersive technology, healthcare, and psychedelic medicine.

Robin Arnott

Chief Executive Officer

• Former CEO of Andromeda Entertainment.

• Lead Developer of SoundSelf

• Author of The Technodelic Manifesto

Robin’s LinkedIn

Sandeep Prakash, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer

• Psychedelic Researcher trained at California Institute of Integral Studies

• Expert in leading psychedelic and DTx research

• Over a decade of experience in transformative experience design

Sandeep’s LinkedIn

Lyle Maxson

Chief Strategic Officer

• Co-founder at Andromeda Entertainment

• Strategic partnerships & publishing in XR

• Music industry executive specialized in Mixed Reality productions

Lyle’s LinkedIn

Advisory Board

Proven leaders in the mental health and digital therapeutics space.

Dr. Adam Gazzaley, MD, Ph.D.

•Founder of Akili Interactive and Neuroscape. 

  • Chief Scientist at Jazz Ventures.

  • Creator of EndeavorRX, the first videogame DTx to receive FDA Clearance.
  • UCSF Dolby Distinguished Professor of Neurology, Physiology and Psychiatry.

Dr. Laura Garcia, Ph.D.

  • Clinical Psychologist with industry-leading expertise in 

   • Virtual Reality clinical trials

   • Chief architect of Applied VR's pioneering 

    • FDA De Novo submission

   • Director of Research at Found

Dr. Christopher Nicholas, Ph.D.

   • Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health & Transdisciplinary Center for Research in Psychoactive Substances

   • Principal Investigator and therapist for MAPS phase 3 multi-site trial

   • Extensively published in clinical efficacy & therapeutic mechanisms of psychedelic & other psychoactive compounds for addiction, trauma, chronic pain, & depression

Deanne Adamson

 • CEO and founder of Being True to You (17+ Years)

   • Leader in the field of training coaches in psychedelic preparation
      and integration process.
  • Experienced business leadership in the wellness sector, and
      Expert at scaling sustainable mental health organizations.

Nichol Bradford

   • Executive Director of the Transformative Technology Lab

   • CEO of the Willow Group

   • Widely regarded as the maverick behind the Transformative Tech movement

Patrick Moher

   • CEO at Microdose Psychedelic Insights

   • Market access expert for psychedelic industry

   • Super-connector of the psychedelic renaissance

Interested in joining SoundSelf? Check out our Careers page below.