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It feels so wrong to laugh at this reporter accidentally doming a toddler with a baseball


Doming a toddler with a baseball is right up there in the pantheon of “things that could go wrong during a live news broadcast,” and that’s just what happened in Arizona last week.


On June 25 the Diamondbacks returned to Scottsdale after a two-stop road trip and fans were ready to welcome back the team for a fun old afternoon at the ballpark. This included a man who was by the fence when a live broadcast was happening. The reporter, ever one to bring glee to a child’s eye, decided to toss him a baseball to close out the report in style with a smile.

Instead she managed to hit the kid square between the eyes, and at that point what can you do? The best way to recover is not hitting a child with a baseball all together, but that’s out the window — so she does her best to apologize while the kid puts on a brave face.

I’m going to hell for laughing at this.

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