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Under Paris Reviews

Jul 29, 2024

I don’t know why people are giving this a bad rating. I thought the movie was amazing!!🤩

Jul 28, 2024

This movie isn’t helped by the fact that it is dubbed. The script is poor and it isn’t helped that every film about a shark is compared to Jaws. It has the usual plot points including the sceptical politician. You’ll be frustrated by the ending.

Jul 26, 2024

I was never motivated to sign up for rotten tomatoes and write reviews before. But this movie was so bad people must be warned! The team's only plan was to be stupid and fail. Watching, we kept asking, now what's their plan? Fail. Not to mention, water simply doesn't do those things! Not to mention... Oh never mind! You've been warned. Watch it in French to avoid bad over dubbing.

Jul 23, 2024

This movie is so bad. Before I watched this, I watched the trailer and it looked like something worth watching. But then I watched it. And oh boy it was bad. It was so unrealistic, some of the characters were actually dumb and it is just dumb. Don’t watch this. 1.5 out of five stars.

Jul 23, 2024

The movie is such a good movie I can watch it everyday and not get bored WE NEED A PART 2

Jul 22, 2024

This movie was an absolute disaster. There are MASSIVE plot holes and terrible acting—a COMPLETE waste of time. A film made by high schoolers would be better than this.

Jul 20, 2024

It's a stupid movie.downright stupid,go watch jaws or meg if u want shark related stuff

Jul 20, 2024

"Under Paris" is a jaw-dropping calamity. Sharks swimming through the Seine and setting off bombs? Really? The acting is an absolute eyesore, with characters so awkward you'd think they were contestants on a reality show for bad performers. The special effects? Think 90s computer graphics, but worse. The plot is a drunken fever dream gone wrong. If you value your brain cells, steer clear of this cinematic catastrophe.

Jul 19, 2024

Would likely give it 1 star but it is so poorly dubbed the old Godzilla movies are better do not watch the screen while they talk

Jul 16, 2024

I get it the reason they make this movie is to spread the information about the government never take care of the river even tho they always use it for the Olympics. But the story is pretty lame and the ending, it's just annoyed me they ended it like that. I say this story has a great potential if thay execute it right.

Jul 15, 2024

Wow… there is an absolute lack of common sense amongst the characters in this movie. I’ve never written a review for a movie before but after watching these characters make the absolute worst decisions possible as if it were the Olympics of bad decisions I couldn’t help it 😤😒. I swear a nonverbal toddler has more common sense

Jul 14, 2024

No one in this movie seemed to have common sense. I was angry the whole time. Why go to the sharks?? She’ll bullets wouldn’t have destroyed all the bridges in Paris as if they knew where each bridge would be. The governor wouldn’t be so stupid and angry. Non of it was believable.

Jul 13, 2024

This film was not that good!

Jul 12, 2024

Finally a good modern day shark movie!!! Under Paris isn't no Jaws but it sure does deliver some unforgettable shark moments and some unforgettable action. Highly recommend this to shark movie lovers!!!

Jul 10, 2024

Gotta be honest, it’s just a shark movie. Like, your regular old run of the mill typical shark movie. Only difference is it’s in Paris.

Jul 10, 2024

Uma cientista, que há três anos perdeu todos os membros do seu grupo em um ataque de tubarão, descobre que o mesmo animal está vivendo no rio Sena, ameaçando a realização de uma competição de triatlo em Paris. Tubarão de Steven Spielberg é um clássico e estabeleceu todas as regras para filmes desse gênero. Assim, infelizmente, novidades só mesmo em produções da Asylum que cria tubarões de n-cabeças ou capazes de se movimentar em ambientes fora da água ou, como em Deep Blue Sea, sejam alterados geneticamente. Este filme começa com uma premissa diferente: a conscientização da preservação dos oceanos. Assim, nós somos levados ao imenso mar de plástico que fica no Pacífico Norte, entre a Califórnia e o Havaí. É uma imagem desesperadora que exista algo assim boiando no meio do oceano, ameaçando toda a fauna marinha. E a cena com o filhote de baleia morto entre todo aquele plástico é alarmante. Assim, o tubarão que está no Paris é tratado inicialmente como alguém que precisa ser salvo e devolvido ao mar. Mas, logo depois, tudo se altera. A conscientização ecológica é abandonada e passa a ser uma caçada ao monstro. O elenco é bom e passa a credibilidade necessária para o roteiro que usa de todas as fórmulas conhecidas de filmes de tubarão. Inclusive com o estereótipo do político que não segue os conselhos da heroína do filme. Os efeitos especiais são bons e convencem na maior parte do tempo, tirando uma cena aqui ou ali. O diretor Xavier Gens dá o ritmo necessário e cria o suspense e o horror quando necessário. No fim, é um filme clichê de ataque de tubarão, mas que diverte graças a boa produção, mesmo com os maiores absurdos no roteiro. Só se divirta.

Jul 9, 2024

Not a cheap shark movie, well done on the edits and effects, thrilling and great ending part that turns paris into a shark breeding city…

Jul 8, 2024

Entertaining to say the least, this shark film leaves you with a cliffhanger ending where there's definitely a sequel happening

Jul 8, 2024

I think the term 'hate watched' applies to my experience. Total nonsense.

Jul 7, 2024

It's reasonable, totally daft plot but watchable. Let's face it, it's a shark movie.

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