Traditional investments


Markets digesting inconclusive French election result

By Ali Al-Enazi

What could a hung parliament in France mean for equities, fixed income...

Investors optimistic for equities despite election uncertainty

By Ali Al-Enazi

Almost half the world’s population live in countries with national elections this...
FT Wealth Management

Wealth managers seek broader tech themes

By Ali Al-Enazi

Private banks are questioning the sustainability of a narrowly led tech rally,...
Traditional investments OPINION

Why the ‘buy and hold’ philosophy is flawed

By Mark Baribeau

Low portfolio turnover is not an inherent virtue and can lead to...
Americas and Caribbean

Unlocking investment opportunities in Latin America

By Ali Al-Enazi

With much of the world appearing volatile, Latin America appears relatively stable,...

Indian investment in focus

By Sharmila Whelan

The Indian election may have led to a surprising result, but ‘competitive...

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12 June 2024

Bonds back in contention

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Fixed income may again be offering portfolio diversification and risk reduction potential, but there is...
Traditional investments
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Health stocks await new diagnosis

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Can the healthcare sector revive itself with the advent of technological advancements such as artificial...
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Indian investments in Modi’s third term

By Ali Al-Enazi

India’s technology sector and demographics combine with political developments to write a persuasive market story....
Traditional investments
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Coutts’ investment captain plots path to growth

By Yuri Bender

In his new role as head of investments at Coutts, Fahad Kamal is allocating clients’...
Traditional investments OPINION
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The enduring benefits of value stocks in a growth-focused market

By Nigel Green

Numerous studies have shown that value stocks tend to outperform growth stocks over extended periods,...
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