Random: Xbox Fan Wins $668 Custom Series S Bundle, But Fails To Claim It In Time

Alright, so give us a break on this one - we're almost a year late to this story, but we've only just found it and we're keen to share it! It's all about a custom Barbie Xbox Series S that was being given away back in June of 2023.

As usual, this was part of a sweepstakes that anyone could enter, and Redditor spitfyrez was picked as one of the winners on October 19th. The prize was laid out, including the special console itself, a custom controller, a bunch of faceplates, a Hot Wheels toy, various Barbie Dolls - all kinds of stuff related to the release of the movie.

They were notified via Twitter's direct messaging service that they'd won... but spitfyrez didn't check it in time.

Later on in the message, it was mentioned that the winner had 48 hours to respond, otherwise the prize would be "forfeited and awarded to an alternate winner". Ultimately, that appears to be what happened in this instance.

Obviously this is a deflating situation for the OP to have found themselves in, but we can definitely all learn from it! Many of us like to enter these competitions when they arise, so it's important to keep an eye on those DMs just in case.

Also, if spitfyrez is reading this, you're not alone - we've seen something like this before with a $4,000 bundle (!):

Have you ever won anything through these Xbox sweepstakes? Let us know down in the comments below.