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SungWon Cho joined us for an absolutely chaotic climbing stream

Boy, this game sure is something

Tara Long leads Polygon’s video content across YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, and other platforms as executive producer. She has worked in games media on and off since 2010.

SungWon Cho returned to Polygon’s airwaves this week with a very special, very chaotic livestream!

The voice actor and YouTuber, along with Polygon host Simone de Rochefort, were given a simple challenge: play A Difficult Game About Climbing.

If you’re familiar with this game, then you already know how absurd it is. But add in Crowd Control mods and a series of in-studio physical challenges, and the results are... disturbing.

You can watch an archive of the video on Polygon’s Twitch channel, and be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already! This stream was, somehow, not even the most ludicrous one we’ve done this year.

The next level of puzzles.

Take a break from your day by playing a puzzle or two! We’ve got SpellTower, Typeshift, crosswords, and more.