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WrestleQuest launch delayed two weeks at the last minute

Game save glitch for the multiplatform title causes an 11th-hour pullback

In-ring action in the realm of Junglaji in WrestleQuest Image: Mega Cat/Skybound Entertainment
Owen S. Good is a longtime veteran of video games writing, well known for his coverage of sports and racing games.

WrestleQuest, Mega Cat’s love note to both pro wrestling and old-school role-playing games, will now launch Aug. 22. Mega Cat and publisher Skybound Games made the remarkable delay announcement just three hours before the game’s original launch date of Aug. 8.

A serious technical glitch was the source of the delay, Mega Cat said. “When performing final checks on one of our launch platforms, we discovered it was possible for players to lose their save game progress when playing WrestleQuest on multiple different devices.”

WrestleQuest will launch on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows PC via Steam, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and even for mobile devices through the Netflix app.

“Because this is a game filled with hours of content, and player progress is so important, we could never bodyslam our fans like that,” Mega Cat continued. WrestleQuest’s main quest line has been estimated at 40 hours, with dozens more hours implied through its other activities.

WrestleQuest has been in development for about four years and is easily the biggest undertaking yet for 11-year-old, Pittsburgh-based Mega Cat. The studio is fresh off a panel appearance at San Diego Comic-Con featuring Mega Cat founder James Deighan and head of studio Zack Manko alongside wrestling legends Jake “The Snake” Roberts, Sgt. Slaughter, and Jeff Jarrett.

Though 30 old-school pro wrestling stars appear among WrestleQuest’s 400-strong lineup of NPCs, the game is more about a fictional character, Muchacho Man Randy Santos, and his journey from naïve aspirant to ring-worthy superstar.

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