We're All About the Insights


Rely on the best when making critical decisions

Our Data Story

We’ve Built the World’s Most Accurate Location Insights APIs

Our Data Forms a Large and Representative Panel of Customers Across the US

Generating Statistically Significant Insights Into Any Place

Available as a SaaS Platform

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All Data Sets are Not Created Equal

Key Considerations:

  • Location – WiFi, GPS, Beacons, and user motion all play a key part in determining accuracy.

  • POIs – The need to match Point of Interest to location requires a highly accurate and current list of places.

  • Volume – Panel sizes are required to be large enough to accurately reflect visitors.

  • Panel Biases – Panel biases are modeled and accounted for in extrapolations.

  • Panel Variations – Changes in technology and application sources are normalized over time.

  • Privacy - Placer data is aggregated, extrapolated, and stripped of identifiers.

Loved and Trusted by 4,000+ Customers

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