How To Protect Your Identity From Hackers

We currently live in a digital era where we do most things online. The number of people using the internet is always on the rise, including the security risks. Cyber threats have become so rampant that the US Government has been forced to formulate a research and development department to develop policies that can reduce the risks in cyberspace.

People are turning to social media to connect and share information exposing their information to the online world. While online, this information is constantly exposed to bad actors. Every time you share information online, you are at risk if you don’t take the necessary measures to protect your identity from hackers. It would help if you took action not to be a victim of these criminals.

Fortunately, you can always protect your identity from hackers with a few tips.

password encryption

Use Strong Passwords

We’ve been informed more than often that your passwords should always be personal and avoid sharing them with anyone else. Though this is important, you also need to use a strong password that cannot be easily decoded or cracked. As such, avoid using names and numbers that can easily be associated with you. Avoid all your names, child’s name, name of your spouse, your address number, phone number, date of birth, or other identifying words or numbers. On the contrary, mix up your passwords with numbers, a combination of upper and lower case letters, and symbols. Remember, every word that is in the dictionary can be cracked easily. Additionally, change your passwords a few times a year.

Use Different Password on Different Sites

Your password is the pathway to each of your accounts. It would be better to use a different password for every account you access online. We often have the habit of sharing our passwords across different platforms.

Here is one way you can create different passwords for different sites. You can get one memorable phrase from your favorite song, say ‘Hammond.’ Then, you can add a symbol to become ‘Ham>mond.’ For every site, you’ll be logging into, you can use the first letter and last letter of the site to begin and end the phrase. For instance, if you want to log into your Netflix account, you can use ‘NHam>mondf’ as your password. Alternatively, you can also utilize a password manager to create a strong password for every account, storing them behind a master password.

the importance of password protection

Look for Encryption

If you’ve been keen on the websites’ URL, you probably have noticed some sites have ‘HTTPS’ while others lack the s and are just ‘HTTP.’ The “s” normally stands for secure, meaning that sites without it are not encrypted. Any information you share on these sites can be accessed by other parties other than the website owner. Additionally, look out for a lock symbol on the right side of the address bar. These two features will help to protect your identity from hackers.

Don’t Access Your Financial or Personal Information on Public Wi-Fi.

Almost all cities, residential places, businesses, banks, and recreational facilities are fitted with free public Wi-Fi hotspots. Some people check their bank accounts or make transactions while using public Wi-Fi. This is not a secure connection as many people, including hackers, are connected to the network. If you’ve been doing this, you should change your password and abandon the behavior. Additionally, only do it on secure sites if you have to shop online.

Get More Tips on How to Protect Your Identity

Chances are, there is a hacker somewhere who is waiting for an opportunity to snatch your personal information to use it for their ill motives. If you are not cautious about handling your information online, you might find yourself a victim. Please take it as a personal responsibility to practice safety measures to keep your identity safe from hackers. At People Finders, we are willing to give you tips to keep you safe online and offline. Contact us today for accurate online data for detailed insights on people and data available via public records in the United States.