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At PeopleFinders, we love hearing about how our services have helped people find each other. The following are a few of our favorite people search success stories:

I am Sarah Alice Dunn. My family and I have been looking for lost family for 40 years. My aunt died in a car wreck. Her husband was in the Air Force, and they had two small children. The girl was 5 and the boy was 7. The husband cut all ties to her side of the family, so we never knew where the children were.

I started looking two weeks ago on the computer. I tried every site I could find and the information I did find lead me to dead ends. I came across your site; and after paying a lot of money for other useless sites, I was really scared to pay again. I paid for a 24 hour pass, and in about two hours I had more information than I ever had.

The next morning I got back on your site and called the first number that fit the ID of who I was looking for, and it was the daughter, my cousin. It was the biggest family reunion over the phone. Lots of tears were shed. After 40 years of hoping and praying, the family hole is now filled. We live in Texas, and she lives in Florida, so we'll talk on the phone until we can get the money to see each other.

Her father told her that her mother's side of the family had all died, so she never knew she had a whole other family looking for her. Unfortunately, her brother had gotten killed by a drunk driver at the age of 17, and her father is in really poor health and is dying. She was afraid of being alone with one family. So thank you for helping reunite a long, lost family, and may you have GODS hand to help others do the same.
- Alice Dunn

In 1963, I entered the USMC and eventually served in the first A6A Squadron that went to Vietnam. I had many friends in the Marine Corps, but one buddy I had that was a weapon systems specialist. After I was discharged in 1967, I lost contact with most of my Marine buddies. However, thanks to PeopleFinders, I was able to locate Ray and we have been sending each other email now for a while. Thanks PF.
- Marty Maners

I write songs and produce new singers in my own home studio and a professional studio in Richmond Va. Singers move around and change addresses a lot, and even change names sometimes for whatever reason, but this one singer who did backup for me on a song was special. Her voice is the only one who could do the right stuff on a particular song, and when my computer files disappeared (from a virus, I suspect), I lost her backup to a song very important to me. I called her, but her phone was disconnected, and went down to her apartment but she had moved and left no forward.

After weeks of frustration, I tried PeopleFinders. And guess what, they found her for me. We recorded the backup over the Internet in minutes, and everything is fine. THANK YOU, PEOPLEFINDERS!
- Ronnie Wilson

I am a Vietnam veteran, and I have been looking for veterans that were in my company. I have found about 30 veterans so far using PeopleFinders and am still looking for more. I have reunited myself and the ones that I have found together after 40 years.

Thank you, PeopleFinders.
- Richard Elam

We’re so happy for anyone who has been able to reconnect with a friend or loved one because of information they��ve found at PeopleFinders. If you have a success story of your own that you would like to share, please tell us about it.

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