Ian Danskin

Creating video essays about games, art, politics, and culture

  • 2,241 members
  • 307 posts
  • $3,660/month
It's me, Ian Danskin! I'm a freelancer, writer, "media artist," and video essayist. You might know me best from YouTube videos such as This Is Phil Fish: A Case Study in Internet Fame, Things of Beauty: Super Smash Bros. as Spectator Sport, and Why Are You So Angry?, a six part series about angry gamers and harassment. These were all posted on my channel, Innuendo Studios.

After wrapping a successful Kickstarter in 2014, I got to treat Innuendo Studios as a job, clearing some freelance work off my plate and releasing videos at a semi-regular clip. But Kickstarter money doesn't last forever, so Patreon is our shot at keeping the channel going indefinitely.

If you're here, I'm assuming you know the basics of how Patreon works. (Just in case: think of Patreon as a subscription to my work. You pledge to throw a few dollars at me each time I release a video. If enough people make that pledge, I can afford to keep making them on the regular.) What I will tell you is that making these videos is the best job I've ever had. No matter what, I'm going to keep releasing videos as long as I feel I have things to say and there are people interested in hearing them. Just how often that is will be up to you!

Let's talk goals:

Right Now: Part-time Job
At $800 per video, I can afford to keep the ads turned off on YouTube, no matter what. Between rent, bills, and student loans, I still can't promise any kind of regular schedule, but the videos will be making enough to justify making time for them whenever possible. This is the point where I can guarantee that Innuendo Studios isn't going anywhere. But it could be more if:

At $1600 Per Month: Career
This would cover rent, food, bills, basic cost of living, and maybe, now and again, a few hundred bucks in the savings account. I'd clear most freelance work from my schedule - just the stuff I can fit around Innuendo Studios. Bare minimum, 10-15 minutes of content would come out every month. This would also pay for additional things like written pieces (did you know I do some writing?). For the time being, this would be my job, and I'd get to keep working the best job in the universe!

At $2400 Per Month: Media Empire
This is shooting the moon and I'm not entire sure what happens here, but at this point Innuendo Studios could be a real... thing. Which means it could ramp up and branch out. We could boost the production values, start a podcast, give lectures at conferences, and who knows what else! I'd run some polls with the backers to see what things interest them, and we'd go from there.

What You Get In Return
$1 patrons will get the videos a day early. $5 patrons will get access to annotated versions of the videos (several of which already exist). And $10 patrons will get access to the Behind the Scenes blog where I talk shop about how the videos get made, what's in production, and as much data and observation about crowdfunding as I can manage - hopefully this will be useful to anyone thinking of running a crowdfunding campaign themselves.

You would also get my deepest, sincerest thanks. Like, seriously, if you help keep this channel alive, you're on my list of rad people.

Let's see if we can make the magic happen!

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