
creating Dark Souls mods and game design essays

  • 153 members
  • 63 posts

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Omen of Nightfall
 / month
See exclusive updates and gameplay footage from modding projects like Dark Souls: Nightfall, and read anything I write before it goes public on my site.
  • Early access to game design essays
  • Patron-only previews of my mods and games
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Snuggly the Crow
 / month
Vote on what I should work on each month, whether it be modding tutorials, Roguelike Souls updates, game design essay topics, or maybe just all-in on Dark Souls: Nightfall.

Also includes all previous rewards!
  • Patron-only voting power
  • Patron-only previews of my mods and games
  • Early access to game design essays
Giant Crow
 / month
Tell me what you want to see in my monthly modding Twitch stream where I answer questions and create fun new Dark Souls mods in real time based on your input! The stream will usually be around noon Eastern Time on the first Saturday of the month.

Also includes all previous rewards!
  • Patron-only voting power
  • Patron-only previews of my mods and games
  • Early access to game design essays
  • Exclusive monthly modding + Q&A stream
Velka, Goddess of Sin
 / month
Become an insider on my work on Dark Souls: Nightfall. I'll share even more details with you about the design and listen to your feedback. You'll also get personal modding assistance from me whenever you need each month and will be credited on anything I release!

Also includes all previous rewards!
  • Patron-only voting power
  • Early access to game design essays
  • Patron-only previews of my mods and games
  • Exclusive monthly modding + Q&A stream
  • Discord access 

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