Ian Danskin

Creating video essays about games, art, politics, and culture

  • 2,241 members
  • 307 posts
  • $3,660/month

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Patrons will receive each video a day early. Early videos will, on occasion, be director's cuts, including any segments that get removed from the final version.
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In addition to early videos, patrons will gain access to annotated versions of the videos. Useful for anyone wondering how to construct a video essay or how to think really, really hard about GameCube games.
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In addition to early videos AND annotations, patrons will gain access to the Behind the Scenes blog, where I talk a lot of shop about how the videos get made, monitor how they are received, and crunch all my Patreon and Kickstarter data in case you ever want to run a crowdfunding campaign of your own.

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Ian Danskin

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