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Op-Ed Columnist

Your Summer Politics Quiz

Christopher Lee for The New York Times

Hey, guys — we’re heading into summer! The year’s almost half over, so let’s see if you’re caught up on current affairs. (There’s always time for remedial reading over vacation.)

Anyhow, here’s your checkup. We’ll start with — well, you know.

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Donald Trump said the 37-count criminal indictment against him shows that:

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Trump has said that while Abraham Lincoln had, um, a tough time as president:

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When Trump was arraigned in New York on those Stormy Daniels hush-money charges, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene gave a speech to a pro-Trump rally in which she compared the ex-president to:

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After Trump’s latest arraignment, fans greeted him with song, celebrating the fact that he was turning 77. He mused:

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When Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida made his big, new-leadership-era presidential candidacy announcement on Twitter:

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DeSantis likes to brag that Florida is:

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When DeSantis ran for re-election, his website sold golf balls that said:

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Mike Pence has been trying to project a fun-guy image. “I always wanted to be the bad boy, the rebel type, the hell-raiser,” he told one crowd. “You know …”

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Senator Tim Scott has joined the race for the Republican presidential nomination. During the run-up to his announcement, he was asked by a reporter about his strong anti-abortion stance.

Scott replied: “I start with the various important conversations I had …”

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The former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley is another Republican presidential contender. Haley is 26 years younger than Trump. Recently, she proposed that a mental competency test should be administered to:

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At the White House Easter celebration, Joe Biden said that next year wasn’t going to be his last presidential egg roll. There’d be:

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The Democrats have moved the South Carolina presidential primary ahead of the usual firsties, Iowa and New Hampshire. Representative Jim Clyburn of South Carolina admitted the point was to start at a place where the president was likely to do better. “I don’t think you’re stacking the deck,” he added, “I think you’re …”

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Justice Clarence Thomas has been under fire lately for expensive trips he and his wife, Ginni, took that were paid for by a wealthy Republican donor. Thomas once said that when it came to vacations:

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Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama said that while Democrats might think white nationalists in the armed forces were racist, “I call them …”

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Asked if he would support the scandal-ridden representative George Santos for re-election in the House, Kevin McCarthy said:

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In the “Succession” finale, Shiv: