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  1. nexusbla18
    • premium
    • 45 kudos
    Thank you! Was searching for this feature for a long time!
  2. OlasMarz
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    this is nice! thanks.

    Is there any way to make this permanent for a mod? with an option to "unhide" updates?
    1. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 692 kudos
      Remove "Nexus Mods" from the source field 
  3. deleted34304850
    • account closed
    • 57 kudos
    Found a small issue with this.
    Game is Fallout 4, the mod that is being flagged as requiring an update is Darker Nights. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/191

    Mod has not been updated since 2018. Now, my Vortex is showing that this mod requires an update because Vortex believes that its version is 0.0.0-. I do not know where Vortex is getting this value from, it's nothing I've added so I suspect its bad data on the back end.

    The issue with this extension is because Vortex thinks this mod requires a full update, there is no option on right clicking the mod to ignore this update. The ignore update is only presented if there are several files available to download as part of the mod.

    Is it possible to add the ignore update option even if Vortex is telling me that a full update is available and should be downloaded?

    I can provide any other information you need to show this issue - let me know. If I can help, I will.
    1. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 692 kudos
      Hmm, that seems to be an odd bug in Vortex's update checker. If you want to temporarily make the change to the extension yourself, open the index.js in your %appdata%\vortex\plugins\ folder (the subfolder for this extension) and in index.js change the lines that say this:

          context.registerAction('mods-multirow-actions', 100, 'hide', {}, t('Ignore Updates', { ns: NAMESPACE }), ignoreUpdate, modHasUpdate);
          context.registerAction('mods-action-icons', 100, 'hide', {}, t('Ignore Update', { ns: NAMESPACE }), ignoreUpdate, modHasUpdate);

      into this:

          context.registerAction('mods-multirow-actions', 100, 'hide', {}, t('Ignore Updates', { ns: NAMESPACE }), ignoreUpdate, () => true);
          context.registerAction('mods-action-icons', 100, 'hide', {}, t('Ignore Update', { ns: NAMESPACE }), ignoreUpdate, () => true);

      This will bypass the "modHasUpdate" filter for showing the icon in the context menu and show it on everything. This might cause a crash if you use it on a downloaded mod that you have not yet installed though. 

      After making the change, save the file and restart Vortex. 

      There is a different way to edit the file but it's a little more complex. 
    2. deleted34304850
      • account closed
      • 57 kudos
      that worked like a champ.
      Would you like me to report this to the vortex devs?
    3. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 692 kudos
      If you can reproduce it consistently that'd be handy, yes 
    4. deleted34304850
      • account closed
      • 57 kudos
      done mate, thank you for the quick resolution to this and for this really useful little utility.
  4. NewThalos
    • premium
    • 29 kudos
    Brilliant! Thanks for the upload, this has been something I've wished we had ever since I migrated to Vortex.
  5. deleted34304850
    • account closed
    • 57 kudos
    I installed this extension and it works brilliantly - however - after shutting down my system, I turned everything on again this morning, fired up Vortex and ran the usual check for updates. The process worked fine, BUT - mods that I'd previously marked as "ignore update" were once again flagged as requires update.
    Is that expected behaviour from the extension, or is the flag on the mod supposed to remain 'permanent'?
    1. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 692 kudos
      When you re-check for update it will restore the update state. That is intended.
    2. deleted34304850
      • account closed
      • 57 kudos
      Thanks for clarifying sir. This is a very useful feature and very much appreciated.
  6. DarkDominion
    • premium
    • 467 kudos

    Actually one of the things I would have liked to see implemented in Vortex when I send the survey. . . Picky listens to me ?
    Thanks Picky!

    Very much appreciated. . . now, about the other things on my wish list . . .
  7. AlexisCasting
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    This doesn't seem to work with mods that have false update flags, which is what I mainly wanted to use it for. Any idea why?

    By false update flags, I mean that I'll be using say version 2.0 of a mod, 2.0 will be listed as the latest version on the mod's Nexus page, but Vortex will still flag it as having an update available when I run "check for updates."

    Ignore Update is not available in the menu when I right click on such mods.
    1. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 692 kudos
      The option doesn't show when the "latest version" and "current version" are the same. You can try reinstalling that mod from the right-click menu to see if that helps?
    2. AlexisCasting
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Thanks. I guess I'll just have to reinstall those mods whenever I run Check For Updates to get rid of their update flags.

      But great extension. Hope you make more.
    3. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 692 kudos
      Did you try doing it from the multiple select option? Click one that already has an update. Then control and click the one you're having problems with. The toolbar at the bottom has a batch option to remove updates
  8. raybo01
    • premium
    • 58 kudos
    Works like a charm.
    Thank you and Endorsed!
  9. xlwarrior
    • premium
    • 203 kudos
    Hi Pickysaurus (I see you everywhere) hehe
    Let's see if you can tell me how to translate this without having to modify the index.js file and be able to add it to my translation :)
    How can I call that text so that it is recognized?
    context.registerAction('mods-multirow-actions', 100, 'hide', {}, 'Ignore Updates', ignoreUpdate, modHasUpdate);
    context.registerAction('mods-action-icons', 100, 'hide', {}, 'Ignore Update', ignoreUpdate, modHasUpdate)

    If I translate this I could translate the rest of the dropdowns!
    By the way, good job it works perfectly!
    1. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 692 kudos

      I've just uploaded v1.0.2 which should allow you to add the two buttons to your translation. The namespace is "IGNOREUPDATES".
    2. xlwarrior
      • premium
      • 203 kudos
      Translation does not apply!
      Maybe the route is not in common.json which is where I am applying it?
      "IGNOREUPDATES": "Ignorar Actualización"
    3. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 692 kudos
      I think it may be in IGNOREUPDATES.json, I'm not really sure how translations work if I'm honest...
    4. xlwarrior
      • premium
      • 203 kudos
      Nothing, I am not able to translate the dropdowns.
      I guess you'll have to put inside the js that the translation is recognized.
      Support for GTA V for example I had no problem translating
      Maybe the code of that js will give you clues on how to make the translation recognizable within the .json files.
      Let's see if I can find it, this drives me crazy!
      Thanks for answering!
  10. WBPappy
    • BANNED
    • 2 kudos
    IDIOT WITH A QUESTION HERE! What do I do with this now that it's downloaded?

    NM. Figured it out. Pays to pay attention to what you're looking at.
    1. xlwarrior
      • premium
      • 203 kudos
      From the extensions tab at the bottom right click to find the extension where you downloaded it, restart vortex from the restart button that will appear once you add this extension, and when Vortex starts you will have the ignore update buttons added.