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  1. draconlayer
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    For those of you who wanna merge this mod with some other mod, all the changes are in AtkParam_Pc.param. You can use yabber to extract the param file and replace it with the same file of the mod you like, repack the folder again and merge complete.
    1. akshet
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      hey i am really unexperienced with these things. how do i use yabber to keep attacks from this mod and merge it with sekiro resuurection mod
  2. Juanchopeavila69
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I wanted to know what are the modifications made in gameparam for the red lump,tanks.
  3. Shirakani
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Thanks for the mod. Can you please tell me which parameter controls stagger? I'm trying to increase the stagger for the initial first unsheath of One Mind as IMO, that one slash needs to stagger so the remaining 4 Judgement Cut slashes can hit... but having no luck... Ideally I'm trying to make it so that when the first unsheath slash hits, the enemy is stunned/staggered and is forced to eat the remaining 4 hits.
    1. draconlayer
      • supporter
      • 12 kudos
      As far as I know the first un-sheath slash has guard disabled on it meaning no enemy that has the ability to block attacks will guard against it so all the human enemies will eat the remaining hits. What you might be looking for is poise damage. I modified it to the level of mortal blade which should be enough to stagger enemies like taro troop, ogre and bull in a single slash. DoH and Guardian ape has more poise health so a single slash may not be enough, I noticed it too in higher difficulties. You can increase it's hyper armor damage via AtksuperArmorCorrection for that attack in the AtkParam_Pc.param. Crank it to like 10K and it will guarantee to stagger these bosses in single slash.
    2. Shirakani
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      That's what I was after! Yep, poise damage. Basically the idea is the moment the first slash lands the mob, no matter what, is knocked out of whatever attack it's attempting at the time IF its attacking and gets staggered... then it has to eat the remaining slashes. So 'AtkSuperArmorCorrection' is it... thanks a lot!

      Oh, I also want the last hit of the Judgement Cut slashes to NOT knock the enemy flying... right now the last hit sends them flying making the final finishing unsheath move miss. Is that controlled by 'KnockbackDist'?

      EDIT: Hm ok, AtkSuperArmorCorrection doesn't seem to be it... I tested on the Owl fight. Using One Mind to meet his oncoming attack, mine lands but his still continues and hits me as well. He doesn't get staggered/stunned on hit. Is there a 'stun' parameter somewhere?

      Or it could be I'm editing the wrong row/wrong attack... I'm editing row 5005210, the one you've named 'one mind first unsheathed (new-medium-fix)'. Is  that the correct one?
    3. draconlayer
      • supporter
      • 12 kudos
      Only the final unsheath slash knock the enemy away so I'm not sure what are you referring to about the judgement cuts. The stagger type is determined by the damageLevel. 2 is medium stagger but it cannot stop the hyper armor moves done by human enemies. 3 is heavy stagger and it can stop most hyperarmor moves of human enemies. 5 is also another variant of heavy stagger but seems like it's half implemented as bosses like owl stop flinching from this damagelevel. Lastly 10 is the blown away stagger which sends all human enemies flying(except owl idk why). knockbackDistance determines the distance of knockback not the stagger type. FYI one mind's first unsheath slash has damageLevel 3 so it staggers human enemies regardless of their hyperarmor. Also note that some human enemies gain absolute immunity to some or all stagger types during some of their hyperarmor animations example are Juzou when he performs the overhead chops so not even damageLevel 10 can stop him or Inner isshin during black mortal blade attack as he become immune to damageLevel 3 but not 10. Finally I don't understand which version of the mod you have downloaded as the latest version with one mind already staggers owl and he takes all hits from this combat art.
    4. Shirakani
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Ok THAT was the info I was missing! Thank you so much! I had NO idea that was what the DamageLevel was. I thought DamageLevel was literally the AMOUNT of damage, so I was modifying that to raise the AMOUNT of damage done! My mistake.

      Thank you again, this is great info and very much appreciated.
    5. kaidod43
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      is it possible to edit art martial damage ?
    6. draconlayer
      • supporter
      • 12 kudos
      Ofc it is but idk how to. refer the modding wiki.
  4. Hyoire
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thank you very much for this mod! Used this on my 2nd playthrough, its so fun LOL, especially the thrust giving me breathing room.
  5. JayAnarky
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    all your mods seem to make the game feel more fun and enjoyable. I always see a massive ego problem in the souls community but with your mods and a few others for cosmetics the game has a more "  taking revenge " feel, then a slow climb up a mountain while a guy breaks your arms feel. i beat it on console twice and it just felt sluggish. in a " ginding takes hours and enemies can f*#@ up progress with 1 lucky kill. 10\10 good mods on the whole.
  6. deleted71223753
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Hello bro you know Row  in AtkParam for Mortal Draw and Empowered Mortal Draw ?? thanks you !
  7. Soundwave1991
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Please, list of params edit...
  8. DryedCoom
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does anyone know how to increase martial arts damage?
  9. Murinscurse
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    great mod really ease the pain for a casual player like me, just wanna ask if the resistance buff from lump will stuck up from other resistance buffs like gourd buffs? if it does then will i be immune? i hate terror hehe

    EDIT: just tried it they do stack the debuff goes down much faster but not need unless shichimen warrior is nuking you with rapid kamehameha terror wave are what ever you call that move haha tyvm for this mod.
  10. jack9ght
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    completed mortal journey gauntlet and man it was so badass the stab is cheesy tho but I guess its on the player to exploit it
  11. nickong6
    • member
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    Given that Sekiro can block dropkicks from giant men, jump 5 meters in the air, yank on a rope so hard he hurls himself through the air, it seems reasonable that he is insanely strong.

    Props to this mod, it is actually quite lore friendly if you think about it.