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  1. nerko2111
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    can u tell me what file did u edit in sfx? i need to merge it
  2. nerko2111
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    how to merge this with Shadowcasting Light Source? plss
  3. onnihilation
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    ok, i found the fix. i opened the sfx folder in the mods folder and deleted all of the .synlink files there. i'm not sure why they were there in the first place since they were 0 kb files but deleting them fixed the whole issue. everything works now. i think it was a personal issue, not something caused by the mod directly
    1. Dziggy
      • premium
      • 185 kudos
      A .symlink file, or symbolic link file, allows you to have a file stored in one place but have your PC treat it as if it were in another. If you wanted to have the same file in three different locations on your PC, but didn't want to maintain three different versions of the file, you could use symbolic links in two of the locations so the PC would treat those files as if they were actually in those locations, but there would actually only be a single file to update/maintain.

      The mod doesn't utilize symbolic links, and they're generally something you have to intentionally create yourself. If you created symbolic links and it started causing issues, it's likely because the location they were linked to no longer exists. The game is trying to load a file that doesn't exist, then.
  4. ArturHaur
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Smaller attack warning kanji icon is much appreciated. Could u boundle I, J or whatever the letter version for Smaller attack warning kanji AND Obscure effects only? 
  5. skullpunk
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I have one of the files that "Remove obstructive visual effects" and it does remove everything that comes out from the body but it does not remove everything.
    Every item that buffs or heals give of a glow instead. So in the stomich area it glows kinda like a light and its diffrent for diffrent effects for examlp
    all heal items pellet/rice etc gives a slight white glow/light and Gokan suger gives yellow glow/light while Ako sugar gives a red light/glow and the more buffs you stack the more you will light up. So all the "effects" are gone but it lights you up pretty badly. Is this intended?
    A version that would remove all visual effects glowing lighting etc. The light/glow iam talking about is that in the 4th picture to the right, would be amazing to get rid of that because its so unimmersive and irritating to look at your supposed stealthy shinobi crouching and at the same time glowing and lights up like a got damn christmas tree :((
    1. Dziggy
      • premium
      • 185 kudos
      Yes, that's intentional and it's shown in the screenshots for the mod. It's why the mod is "Subtle Visual Effects" rather than "Removed Visual Effects". The light is not a texture, so the only way it could be removed is by modifying the SpEffects in the param files. Too many mods already modify the param files, so compatibility would be an issue going that route.
  6. fackayugoolgol
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    Back here again for my annual playthrough of Sekiro, still the best mod for this game so big ups Dziggy. Can't play this game without it cause the kanji obscures whether the enemy is doing a poke or a sweep, the smaller symbol is perfect so thanks so much my dude
  7. akosipeter
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    remove danger kanji when??????
    1. DetectiveSpunkMurphy
      • BANNED
      • 6 kudos
      The Perilous Attack Kanji is file S06301.tpf.

      How to do this

      • Unpack sfxbnd_commoneffects.ffxbnd.dcx with Yabber and navigate to sfxbnd_commoneffects-ffxbnd-dcx\sfx\tex
      • Look for s06301.tpf and replace it with a blank s06301.tpf (You can find one in Main File C or F. File size will be 9kb instead of 11kb)
      • Repack(drag "sfxbnd_commoneffects-ffxbnd-dcx" folder onto Yabber.exe)
      • Place your new sfxbnd_commoneffects.ffxbnd.dcx in "mods/sfx"
  8. Oktoberstorm
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, thanks for the mod. Is there a way to get only the Perilous Attack kanji removed? It's the only thing I have a problem with.
    1. DetectiveSpunkMurphy
      • BANNED
      • 6 kudos
      The Perilous Attack Kanji is file S06301.tpf.

      How to do this

      • Unpack sfxbnd_commoneffects.ffxbnd.dcx with Yabber and navigate to sfxbnd_commoneffects-ffxbnd-dcx\sfx\tex
      • Look for s06301.tpf and replace it with a blank s06301.tpf (You can find one in Main File C or F. File size will be 9kb instead of 11kb)
      • Repack(drag "sfxbnd_commoneffects-ffxbnd-dcx" folder onto Yabber.exe)
      • Place your new sfxbnd_commoneffects.ffxbnd.dcx in "mods/sfx"
  9. sneaksmile
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    How about a mod to change the color of the icons in battle? I mean ... the swap attack and the normal attack of the bosses have the same color and that sucks, it's confusing.
  10. kdy108804
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Do you know how to change the color of an effect? I tried to change the effect color of inner Isshines black mortal blade attack but I couldn't.
    or do you know which file is includes black mortal blade effect ?