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  1. Emma4k
    • premium
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    Can you please port her over the Player Character? I Love Aerith^^
    1. VictorGopher
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      On schedule, but low priority.
      I am working on remaking my old projects.
  2. deleted27117399
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Do you have any plans for adding her to Wolf ? Thanks alot for this, Also do u mind if u told me  how did u import it ?

    I tried to import lightning by following a tutorial on Youtube, but i allways ended up with T arm pose, cant get her to move, Thanks alot 
    1. VictorGopher
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      I have no idea about how to deal with long skirt model, so I an not planning to put any model with long skirt on wolf, it will be a disaster.
      You can find many tutorials on Youtube, long story and I am afraid this is not easy to explain here.
      About T-pose, make sure you have the correct Bone Names, so the game engine can control your model correctly
  3. Vegita21
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    That's great work. I like more of your mods. I only went back to playing Sekiro because of their mods. You're to be congratulated. Is there any chance of Cindy Aurum leaving Final Fantasy Xv, or A2 with her hair cut and with that version of her broken armor???

    It would be this version to make it clearer.

    This model did not see anyone do and would be my main mod to play sekiro: Mainly coming from you that works well too. Thanks for your mods and have a great day.

    1. VictorGopher
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      About Cindy, actually I think her suit is not appropriate for battle XD, neither she has appropriate weapon(maybe a spanner? XD). For Emma seems OK, for wolf seems not OK

      About A2, I got your point, previous mods like:
      contains A2, but you want NOT CLOTH (after Berserker), right ?
      It needs model support, I checked it, it can be done. But I have other stuffs, this wont be done so soon, sorry

      thanks for advice
    2. Vegita21
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      If you can ever do it, I thank you very much. Thanks for your mods and have a great day.
  4. alphakoala126
    • premium
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    can you make her replace the wolf? would love to play as her.
  5. lonewolfsekiro
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    hello mate love your mods , so what next mod u working on ? ,, i have request if u can do , can u do FF X remaster character mods , tidus , yuna , seymour as genichiro
    1. VictorGopher
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      Recently I need to take a rest, and fix issues of my previous mods.
      Next new mod may be Aranea from FFXV, not a promise, but high chance
      Sorry, I am not familiar with FFX
    2. lonewolfsekiro
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      ok no probs so u working on FFXV nice , i hope we also see noctis in future :) have nice day to u mate
    3. VictorGopher
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      Noctis check this :
      Someone already did that :D
  6. oscarstg1
    • member
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    can change the children for diferent model???????'
    1. VictorGopher
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      You mean Kuro? I will consider it later :D
  7. nikolay26rus
    • BANNED
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    what's wrong with her hands? :D
    1. VictorGopher
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      We have to do this.
      Hand bones in sekiro are lager than most of third-party models' , so modders have to adjust hand bones to fit with it, normally we will get larger hands. If we did not do that, fingers will pulled extremely long and thin, that will be disaster. Sorry :(
  8. nShea
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    Just curious about what will happen when I fight with Emma
    1. VictorGopher
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      Then you have to fight with her, if you wish not, remove this mod before reach Shura Ending. After you got the Ending, replace it again.
      Neither do I hope to fight with her :)