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  1. Cadoe
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    the mod isnt applying for some reason. Neither putting it in the /mods folder and the /mods/parts folder and both this and your sword mods arent showing up. Is it something to do with them being a .rar file?
  2. cmoneymods87
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    how do put the buster sword on his back? or do I have to have the other katana on my back first from story mode to have it replace? thanks.
    1. VictorGopher
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      Can't, only when you gain mortal blade.
  3. wwolfenstein12
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great Mod

    Here 4K HDR Gameplay with your mod

  4. BeeRAbuseR
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The blade is not changing, mod is not working properly (1.06 steam).
    1. VictorGopher
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      • 33 kudos
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    If you have heard of it, almost all weapon mods are not working if you do sakura dance, it won't hit enemies at all but the lightning reversal is fine.
    are you planning on updating the weapon mods?
  6. kevintokdesu
    • member
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    Hmmm i have finished sekiro like 7 times already, maybe i should change my game

    Looks at ff7 cloud remake mod

    Ah here we go again
    • account closed
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    Hi there again i love your mods
    Can you make cloud model from advent children, you just need to use the same face and change the clothes to cloudy wolf clothes and also add the fusion sword model.
    I know there was already a cloudy wolf mod created by eyedeability but he messed it up so bad and quality was so trash, so I was hopping if you can create one your own since you are better at modding than anyone else!!

    Please do so!!!
    1. VictorGopher
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      Recently I am focusing on High Quality and New models, old models get low priority
    2. lIMITlESSF
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      It will be so nice to have cloudy wolf holding his fusion sword.
      Hope you have time to make it possible .
      I will be playing the game when the DLC drops in October.
  8. mach1991
    • supporter
    • 19 kudos
    great mod would be great if you could port this mod to ds3 to replace one of the ultra greatswords
    1. VictorGopher
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      Sorry, I am not good at DS3 modding.
      I think you can ask DS3 modder for help :D
  9. PedraoManzon
    • member
    • 1 kudos

    Amazing job there.

    Any chance you could swap Genichiro and his sword for Cloud and Buster Sword?
    1. VictorGopher
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      Sorry, to be honest, I dont want to do this.
      I dont think Cloud fit in with Genichiro, since Genichiro is a bad guy ( to Wolf and Kuro ) , fighting with Cloud would be some kind of ... weird?
      Besides, replacing Genichiro's model is complex and boring, since he has 4 armatures with different size ( I dunno why the programmer set this, why he did not use same size ), basically I need to port 4 models with different size, that is annoying :(
      I hope you can understand, sorry
    2. PedraoManzon
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      No problem at all.

      I'm already really, REALLY thankful to you for your amazing job in accepting the requests from the other guys here in replacing Wolf for Sephiroth (my fav FF character) even after already replacing Genichiro with him :)
  10. Shadowflame66
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hi - for some reason, I can't get this to work at all. I've got mod engine, I've got the ini set to override from "\mods". I've tried putting these files directly in the "mods" folder as directed, and I've tried putting them in the "parts" folder within the "mods" folder as other replacers suggest. I'm using version 1.04, and I've tried all 5 files on this page. I've tried Run As Administrator on the .exe.

    No matter what I do, the game loads fine, the mod engine successfully skips the intros, and I think the Easy Mod I also installed is working - but the character appearance and sword both remain default. No Cloud, no Buster Sword. Hoping someone can help me.
    1. VictorGopher
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      Maybe some kind of collision?
      Try to uninstall other mods, just install single character mod or weapon mod. If this work, try to add other mods step by step.
    2. Shadowflame66
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah, I did that - this was the only mod I had. I decided to get the other mod too to see if it was the modengine having the problem, and that one worked.
    3. VictorGopher
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      Did other player mod work?
    4. Shadowflame66
      • premium
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      So I tried your Tifa mod next, and that didn't do anything either. So I searched for a player mod by someone else, tried out "Kunoichi Project" by CatFood, and *that* worked. So it's something about your mods that isn't working for me, which is annoying because yours are the best ones XD
    5. Shadowflame66
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, I got it to work! It's a weird issue though. For some reason, your files have "parts" in their filename - so instead of "am_m_9000.partsbnd.dcx", they said "partsam_m_9000.partsbnd.dcx". I noticed the files from the other body mods I tried didn't have that, so I just erased those 5 letters from each file name, and it works perfectly now. Hopefully that helps you if anyone else has the same issue
    6. VictorGopher
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      I downloaded my file and check it, file names look normal, no letters 'parts' in file name.
      I just put my files in 'parts' folder, so you can just put the whole folder to your 'mods' folder.
      I dunno why your files have 'parts' prefix in filename XD
      Anyway, just enjoy your game