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  1. deleted42794110
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
  2. saintjimmy95
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have found a bug - with this mod enabled, gauntlet rewards do not drop. To collect gauntlet rewards for a gauntlet I just finished, I need to quit the game, disable the mod, and load up my save again. Afterwards I can enable the mod and the gauntlet rewards won't disappear from inventory.
    1. abacabb69
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      That's just an issue with any mod. The mod engine flags in the game so you can't get achievements with mods enabled
  3. DetectiveSpunkMurphy
    • BANNED
    • 6 kudos
    Hello, this is a brilliant mod, thanks for making it.

    I wanted to ask a question; Isn't "common.emevd.dcx" the only important file in your mod?

    Another modder made a "Less Combat Music" mod also and "common.emevd.dcx" was the only file in his mod. I'm wondering what you changed in the other event files because I compared them with the originals and couldn't find any differences.
    I managed to merge your "common.emevd.dcx" with his mod(Variant E), I now have "Always Ambient Music + No Tutorials + Unlock Swimming".

    I'm wondering if I am missing anything by NOT using the other .dcx files in your download. Hopefully you can tell me if I have made a mistake.

    My "mods/events" folder looks like this. Everything seems to be working as intended so far(I just got to Hirata Estate)

    I saw your comment down below stating that you couldn't open file from the No Tutorials + Unlock Swimming Mod
    To open his file I suggest you use DarkScript3. This is what I used to open yours and his "common.emvd.dcx" to compare.
  4. Mummelpuffin
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Thank you SO much for this. I think having that single combat track, obnoxiously loud, near-constantly throughout the game was a huge mistake, it always turned me off of playing for more than like 40 minutes at a time.
    1. abacabb69
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      You're welcome lol, I know what you mean it drove me crazy
  5. sammiboii
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    This is literally what i've been looking for. It gets so tiresome when the great ambient music gets cut off by the combat OST constantly. Do you happen to know if this mod works on the 1.06 version?
    1. Ghizghuth
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I just tried it, it works :)

      Edit: Wait no, the music seemed to somehow stop altogether reaching a certain point :/
    2. abacabb69
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Apologies for the late reply. I'll upload a new version now :)

      update: Uploaded the working version. Be sure to have the new mod engine installed for Sekiro when using it. If you have any issues let me know. Sometimes, on very rare occasions, dogs during their yellow sensing of awareness stage may make the music stop. It will continue again once you kill this dog lol
  6. gravisque
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  7. GrandCentury
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    There is similar mod in nexus, but I prefer this (Because ambient music continue)
    I hate how vanilla game sounds so upset, but this mod is revolutionary like Zen.
    Keep silence and coolness if accidentally spotted, like true shinobi.
    Thanks so much for great work!
    1. abacabb69
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you I really appreciate your feedback! :)
  8. devarma
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Almost didnt click on this mod from the title. I thought "what idiot dont want any of the music in this game when its so good?!", and then i read more and saw its only removed for normal mobs which I thought was great. So, great mod man but awful name. ;D Thanks a lot though!
    1. abacabb69
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      That's a good point, what would you call it instead? I'll make a new picture lol and thank you for the kind words :)
  9. perth443
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This makes the game so much better for me. Thank you so much!
    1. abacabb69
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      You're so welcome :)
  10. wasteyes
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Your mod files conflict with the "No Tutorials" mod files, I personally would prefer your version of the "no fight music" mod over the "Disable Normal Enemy Music" mod. If you resolve the conflict with the "No Tutorials" mod.
    1. abacabb69
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I'll take a look at the no tutorials mod, as I know the file they edit, I can combine the two and re-release if you like. I'll give credit to the other guys ofcourse.
    2. wasteyes
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Maybe you should just rename the files or interpret them under the right names for the work inside the script or something like that?
      In this case, you do not have to keep 2 different versions of the mod.
      Or is it impossible to implement?
    3. khangkhanh
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Please fix it if you can. Thank you
    4. abacabb69
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      The way it works, is that you have 1 common.emevd file, and the other emevd's to go with it. Most of the changes in my mod are in the 'common' file, unfortunately so are the 'no-tutorial' changes. What I have to do is compare both files to see which lines of code the other modder changed so I can combine them both together. It won't work just renaming a file, you can only have 1 common.emevd file. I've been trying to do this over Christmas but the issue is the other modders files wont open in my editor, so I've asked him why and the creator of the editor doesn't know why either so we're just waiting on him to respond to my post and then I can continue.
    5. khangkhanh
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I see. Thank you for your effort