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  1. ryhappy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    super nice mod there man! I know this might be a lot to ask, but is there a way to get the Divine confetti glow on your sword without any of the buffing effects, just for Vanity ? :) a mod with only the look from fire, terror and poison, but none of the buffs (I find, they make the game way too easy)
    1. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hey! I already have a mod like that. It’s called 8 elemental weapons mod. On this mod, you can also drink the five colored rice to get cycling cosmetic effects.
    2. umarefarooq9800
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      can you send me its link?
  2. deleted76751348
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    can this co exist with the elemental mod?
    1. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      this already include many of the weapon elements from elemental mod, but it comes with its unique play-styles.
  3. Venetica007
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    -!-!-!-!-!- I advise to anyone who installs this mod to use [Spiral Cloud Passage] skill with [Yashi Spiritfall] buff in-game -!-!-!-!-!-

    I never liked it, it always seemed boring to me. Even more, I was quite disappointed that such a skill considered as the highest reward in the tree. A skill that copies other skill that one gets after some fishing in Sekiro.

    But this mode made it so beautiful!
    IMO, the best-looking skill in the game now.

    Thank you for all the fun, Choongjing-dono

    1. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thx man :) I'm so glad you like it. I'm kind of dissapointed at the views to download ratio thou. Because I sincerely believe this is the most substantial mod for Sekiro out by FAR.
    2. Venetica007
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Don't be: it is always like that. People are more interested in cosmetics, rather than in mechanics. In the long-term, this mod will be most endorsed anyway.
      Moreover, if you change description focus to COSMETIC impact - people will download it more, IMO, despite the fact that main changes are focused on the gameplay itself.

      I, actually, have a question: how did you manage to add this water effect to a sword?
      Is that poison recolor? Or you, basically, can add any swing effect in the game and I missed npc, who had it?
      I am asking because there is 1 barely used effect, yet beautiful: the one you get from Divine Abduction. Does your last mod (that you're still creating) have this effect?
    3. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      @venetica007, Do you mean the cosmetic effect that circled around the weapon? If so you can get it from Elemental Weapon Buffs mod or you should be able to get a short glimsp of it when pouring 5-Colored White Rice on the ground.
      If you are talking about the buff that adds range to your katana, then only this mod has it. Is the Gokan's Spiritfall Effect in this mod the same as the one you are talking about in Divine Abduction? I didn't use divine Abduction a lot.
    4. Venetica007
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah, I was talking about the ranged effect.
      It has divine abduction effect on the sword (falling leaves) but swings effect (water) is new, yet divine abduction (falling leaves) has it's own swing effect. Give it a try too.

      Try to use divine abduction + attack.
      And then try any sword skill (the one you receive from bosses for example).
      It, perhaps, will suit to monk's theme even more.
    5. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      oh, I tried to look into it yesterday and had been looking into it before. I think it might be coded as an action that follows divine abduction. So divine abduction's 1st skill actually has 3 moveset: activate 1st skill, jump forward, and swing sword. And everytime you activate the 1st moveset, it will check to see if you have the talent or not to proceed with the 2nd and 3rd moveset. In other words, I don't know how to but someone with coding knowledge might be able to down the road.

      Bestowal, on the other hand, seemed to be a buff that is added to your weapon. So your weapon still behave the same way, but now there is a range buff and a cool Visual Effect with it.
    6. Venetica007
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Interesting to know, thank you for the info (:

      The one could, perhaps, solve this easier by increasing quantity of swings allowed to use during this skill effect. Shouldn't be a huge problem?
      Since divine abduction is not used that often by players, someone could build mechanic based on it. Increase evasion distance or allow to use evasion with mist raven effect.

      Before I thought that it is possible to apply any visual effect. :(
      Sadly, it is not
  4. blackninjato
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Hey, i was thinking about curse mode and red lump buff.
    Maybe u can add red lump buff to your terror gourd. That would make u get red eyes(looks cool and deadly), and it would prevent resurrection(so u would lose 1/2 of gold an exp that u earned if u do not survive till end - even more thrilling mode), red lump also gives u a buff so u do not flinch when u get hit(this is good so u can keep hitting enemy even if u get hit - even more speed). And finally red lump buff also makes u take double fire damage like all enemies who have red eyes(fear the fire).

    Also can we get a version with only 3 gourds modes without other changes(preferably updated for 1.03 )?
  5. rollcall31
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    This looks awesome! Definitely the kind of stuff I've been looking forward to from the modding community. Can't wait to check it out
  6. pappsy314
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    This mod looks super interesting, any chance you'll be updating it to match patch 1.03?
    1. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Maybe, but there seemed to be some problems in the modding community with the parameters and 1.03 and I'm afraid that if I close my editing software and shut down the computer I might never be able to open them again. You can still play it on 1.03 thou, just that a message will pop up whenever you open the game.
    2. blackninjato
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      It would be good to update this to 1.03 because they changed some stuff that is in the file you are editing and if its not updated then we cant have those fixes, because your file overwrites them.
    3. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I will look into it. Meanwhile, can you upload the 1.03 original params so I can work on it? I still have the 1.00 params files only.
    4. blackninjato
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      u can use this file: its 1.03 file with only 1 change.
      Just change the duration of puppeteer back to normal value.
    5. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      thx man
  7. Ferdimage
    • BANNED
    • 1 kudos
    Hey mate thanks heaps for this mod.
    Not sure if its possible at all, but is there away to remove the "Posture Damage" all together, Im playing on NG+ and I want beat the enemies by reducing all their vitality before the deathblow.
    1. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I will make something like it tomorrow as another mod.
    2. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Also, fire gourd is sort of a no posture mod too.
    3. Ferdimage
      • BANNED
      • 1 kudos
      Awsome looking forward too it mate! :)
    4. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I made it. You can find it on my list of mods.
    5. Ferdimage
      • BANNED
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you , much appreciated!
  8. ashenone1903
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    can u tell me what exact params u modded? i am trying to combine with a few mods
    1. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      What parameters do you have in mind? It’s actually pretty complicated since I don’t know how to code.
  9. Pickysaurus
    • Community Manager
    • 692 kudos
    Hello there!
    Thank you for sharing your excellent new mod with the Nexus Mods Community!
    We like it so much we're going to promote your mod on our Social Media.
    Look out for your mod appearing on our Facebook or Twitter over the next few days!
    Keep up the awesome work!
    - Nexus Mods Staff
    1. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Oh wow! I don’t know what to say, but thanks! It’s great news.. Do you think I should clean it up a bit and just focus on the 3 gourds? Since it was my first time making a big mod and many of the game’s parameters are all over the place.
  10. felixryan147
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I like your idea but there's something I think would make them more viable:

    The purple gourd's terror buildup is too fast that it's not viable. The Bestowal should be on for the duration of the gourd, and perhaps you could make each and every enemies' attacks function like Headless (building up terror whenever their attacks connect you, deflected, blocked or not) and remove the gradual buildup. The HP regen can stay so it actually forces you to be on your run all the time, avoiding having to clash swords with your enemies, but still is able to. Terror buildup should clear up after a deathblow though.

    The red gourd is actually good, but I think the enemies' attack should deal greater vitality damage like, say, doubled or tripled, even. This would force you to deflect and block all the time because you have no posture to worry about.

    So if the purple gourd is all about seeking openings, and the red gourd is all about staying on the defense while relentlessly dish out attacks, the green gourd should be the drag-on type. It's basically a test of vitality. If it's possible, make the poison deal damage based on max HP, so that you and your enemy are suffering at the same pace. Perilous attacks would oneshot you in this state, but your damage would be increased. So this approach is all about running around and wait for the enemy's vitality to drain while keeping your HP higher than them and not let their attacks get you.

    Of course it all comes down to "if you can". Thanks for your work though.
    1. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hey! Thanks for your concise feedback let me think digest and test around some ideas before giving you a reply.However I will like to make a correction, My intention with Red Gourd is for players to seek an opening (steel to flesh) since enemies' parrying any attacks ends the combo streak. And the poison gourd is for perfect parrying because at enraged mode the enemy can really harm you.

      And also, what NG+ and mobs were you killing while testing purple gourd? I tested it with the stretch of enemies in Hirata Estate.
    2. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hey, sorry for late reply, I am still tampering with the parameters but have a better idea now. I think I will upload it to the beta section instead so you can try it out.
    3. choongjing
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I copied and paste this from another person with same concern:, Sorry it took a while, but I put the beta up, was still editing and trying out a new idea, but I think I will settle for making this gourd simple. Something I really don't like about this gourd is that it varies a lot on the mob you are fighting. If you go against a weak mob, it is too easy, but right when you fight someone harder, there is no chance. I am countering it right now by giving terror gourd around 10 thunder damage. And whenever you do a killing blow, you get 2x thunder damage, which lasts 20 seconds. However, I don't' think they let us stack buffs in this game so I have to navigate around it. There should be some bugs, but as long as you are death blowing enemies in 5 seconds or more, you can get up to 4 of those buffs, which means 16x thunder damage. (you might even be able to 5 shot chained ogre ng+3)