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  1. denivla
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    • 3 kudos

    Some notes from me, the author:

    Seems like I can't fix the biggest problems with the current build of the mod. I have tried many times, but to no avail, so I plan on digging deeper to see where the problem lies.

    For this I will start from scratch for some parts of the mod. There are certain things that can stay or need a polish for rough edges like the ai, animation data, dialog etc. Parts like map edits, events and esds will be completely reworked from scratch, because these are the only things I can think of that cause the problems of him disappearing and the buggy phase 3.

    There is no way I want to believe that Owl is just going to despawn on Isshin's arena in general. Like no matter what I do, Fromsoft just made it so that he despawns when he walks on Isshin's arena. That wouldn't make any sense.

    With all that said, the mod won't be updated for a while until I get these issues resolved. I might even make a new mod page when I get everything fixed, who knows. But I will keep this page up in case anyone wants to play this mod despite the bugs.

    I am still very grateful for all the support you guys have given me. Its amazing how much of a motivator words can be and the fact that people enjoy my mod.
  2. Bombhash
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    Super Weird I just got reminded of thhis mod TODAY!! Downloading now!!
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    Asking due to curiosity...

    Will this mods works with Sekiro:Resurrection? 
    Do I just replace the mods from Sekiro:Resurrection with this one to get both?  

    I'm new to modding, any advice will be helpful

    1. denivla
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      • 3 kudos
      Sorry for the late reply.

      S:R and this mod will not work together, the files from one mod would just overwrite the files from the other, you would have to merge them.

      Considering the size of S:R and the complexity of both mods, this could be quite difficult.

      I can help you merge them and show you the tools you need. Either reply here or add me on Discord. The username is the same as on Nexus, "denivla".
  4. barazg
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    TY man for this mod thats mod its great TY
  5. Bombhash
    • premium
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    Thx for the update !! 

    Phase 1-2 seem to be much more reliable now, however there are times where he just doesn't expand on his moveset and sometimes he does. Also, I will run into the occasional chain of attacks that I've literally never seen before. Mostly, mist raven attacks that don't usually flowchart together, if you get what im saying. EDIT  - its very rare when this happens btw

    Phase 3 - Pretty broken still after the intial owl, blue owl,owl swipe/firecracker attack. The only chains that seem to be UN-broken are the phase 1-2 attacks and the chains that lead to black mortal blade swipe.The red owl will show up randomly on the map after true owl does his disappearance act. 

    I have seen the blue and red owl mirror each other when going in for an attack once but I was already dead LOL.  Still confused as to what Phase 3 is suppose to look like I guess. 

    Great mod, Thank you again - I wish I could explain more,in better detail, but he moves very quick so hard to tell what moves/chains go when/where especially with mist raven being thrown in so much in Phase 3. 
  6. jm831
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    Owl is my favorite boss and thank you for this great mod. It really embodies what Owl in Absolute Prime looks like.
    I played on v1.2

    What I love:

    • Seamless choregraph of Owl's attack (probably best I've played)
    • The arena looks so cool! The cinders of burning Ashina floating around while raining thunderstorm looks epic
    • You kept Inner Owl's 3-hit Mist Raven combo 
    • I love that the Sinister Raven Owl uses Smoke Screen (vanilla inner owl doesn't)
    • I love the the stomp kick from above which reminds of Raven from Tekken
    • Owl teleports behind after throwing shuriken haha nice

    What I find buggy:

    • The lock-on is gone after Owl is mid-air due to Shadowfall or any movement as long as he's mid-air
    • In phase 3, my lock-on targets an invisible enemy and Owl is glowing blue and orange and doesn't move unless I hit him
    • After hitting Owl my lock on jumps from Owl to an invisible target
    • After using smoke screen Owl literally disappears which is funny ngl 

    • In phase 3 Owl disappears and the flying spirit owl glows red then after a while continues into shinobi execution haha


    • A seamless way for Owl to do smoke screen is when he kick into a backflip and then drop the smoke
  7. Bombhash
    • premium
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    As the other have said GGs, great stuff, He's definetly sinister!! Holy Sh&&!

    Honestly, really cool but needs some work. I've been trying this for a couple days now and he keeps disappearing, He also randomly shows up on different parts of the map during phase 1 right before the mortal blade swipe sometimes. Using mist raven against him seems to amplify this. Also, the lock on seems buggy someitmes for me as he always ends up behind me too fast when he mist raven to shadowfall after the shuriken throw. I have to mist raven out. Visibility/camera is pretty rough sometimes, especially if he's right up on you. Hard to tell whats going on. Becoming unlocked with the camera has been a big issue even if hes right in front of me 

    edit - I'm on v1.1 

    just my .02 cents, I appreciate your work.Thanks 
    1. denivla
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      • 3 kudos
      Thanks for all the support my man🙏

      The issue of him showing up in random parts of the map before the Mortal Blade Slash is new to me. I will look into it.

      I could make the FOV wider so that more stuff is visible and the camera doesn't get too shaky, but I'm afraid the lock-on problem is pretty much unsolvable. Sadly, Fromsoft didn't take into account that a modder could create an owl boss fight where he moves a lot, up and down and fast. So the options we have to create a well-fitting camera are very limited. There is a way to force-lock on newly spawned enemies, but it's so incredibly inconsistent in Sekiro that it doesn't work 90% of the time.
      I will try my best to make a better camera for the fight, but delocking from Owl or the Phantoms will probably remain an issue.
  8. 0ka26
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    hi man it's already a huge gg for the work accomplished. I played on both versions of your mod, I have the impression that the 1st version is less buggy than the 2nd! there are still a lot of problems, owl this tp for no reason sometimes does not come back at all. I don't know the work it takes to pull off a fight like this but overall, don't stop your efforts to correct the problems and frankly the fight will be a masterclass. I hope you resolve this issue so I can post a no-shot on it. big strong man, your work is crazy!
    1. denivla
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      Thank you for your feedback! Any information is valuable to find out more about the problem so I know what to look for. I have made some positive changes and bug fixes to the mod overall, and have gone over everything in detail several times. I still can't point to the disappearing problem, but it seems like the more changes I make, the less it happens. I will probably release an update soon.
    2. 0ka26
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      I hope that you will find the solution to the problem in any case still gg for the work accomplished we are waiting for the update. strength to you man
  9. Antugames85
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    can't Download
  10. xXKingBee25Xx
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    I am a bit confused. I did the shura ending, but the door is still locked. Am I missing something? Should I run through the game again? Wait, sorry. It’s a reflection, I’m dumb.
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    bro this is AMAZING not trying to bug you, is there anyway you could make this a skin!?
    1. denivla
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      I don't quite understand. Could you elaborate on what you mean by 'this'? Do you want my Owl as a skin?
      • member
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      yes please!! if possible, also the fight is amazing still working on defeating sinister owl!
    3. denivla
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      I don't intend to release the skin as a standalone mod, as it's not my own work. However, you can extract the files "c5060.chrbnd.dcx" and "c5069.texbnd.dcx" from the "chr" folder. These two files are responsible for the skin. Just place them in any other mod if you want the skin.
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      <3 much love bro thank u