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  1. Phoenixyboy
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Do you accept mod suggestions? I didn't want to hit so many times to kill some bosses. The Owl for example I think I need to hit him about 20 times to kill him while I just need about 3 to be killed. He's a super-human or Sekiro is like a demi-human, too weak. This can be fixed while keeping the same difficulty If someone wanted that. You just need to make him parry more instead of endure more. I want the weakest enemies stronger too. They're too weak. I want them like the raiding samurais at the end of the game (much more hp and posture). They're fun to fight. The bosses general from the beginning of the game are fun too. The moveset of all minibosses are fun to play against and I can think of only one miniboss that is very badly designed. The boss located where Tengu moves has too much hp. Really. Much more than the others. Some bosses like the demon of hatred and the ape also have too much hp. All bosses have too much but those two have considerably more. They can't parry, they just get hit and yet they take too much time to kill. And I hate to use healing items. You can't magicaly heal during battle so If you make a version balancing the game without healing items I would appreciate it. I have just one more suggestion and this one I don't demand too much from you because It's important but not so much and that is the grabs of some enemies. The giant with red eyes and the ape have unfair grabs in my opinion that are almost impossible to dodge. If you increase the time of their grabs, make them grab slower, it would fix this.
    1. Humam2104
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      That's alot of work tbh,, I stopped playing the game for a while but feel free to check out my youtube videos on how to mod Dark Souls 3 and elden ring, I have a channel by the name of Dr. Smoke. Check it out and see if it helps because it sounds like you want to create that mod yourself
    2. Stitch707
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      You could use a cheat table from the Fearless Revolution site, made by a user called Cielos. It has an option to change the damage you make and take from enemies.

      I hope this helps.

  2. phoenixv7
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i downloaded modingine, created the file called mod, downloaded this mod but still its not working. any idea why ?
    1. Humam2104
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Did you change the ini file? 
  3. Hackerman1969
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Infinite consumables aren't working. maybe the effect is still active but the icon and graphical effect dissapear. 
    1. Humam2104
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Are you mixing the game with some other mod? What consumable is not infinite for you?
  4. hahamlml
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is there a way i could turn up the timing for the perfect deflect to a rediculous amount? basically turning it into a guard deflect that doesn't use common.emevd, if not, could you please do that? :c

    (i play sekiro long may the shadows reflect, and this is the only mod that makes it possible to have easier deflect since the common.emevd file and Param files aren't changed, if i use any common.emevd or param files from the other guard deflect mods, the Long may the shadows reflect don'twork properly :c)
    1. Humam2104
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Yes, there's a way. Unpack the game, use DSMapstudio 1.08, then go to spEffect, and look for 105010. When you find it, search on the right panel for something that contains "endurance" without the quotes. When you do, change the number from 0 to an amount of your liking, that represents the timing for a deflect.
    2. hahamlml
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I tried but i just cannot grasp how to work with dsmapstudio...and all tutorials show elden ring tutorials, i still try to follow them but dsmapstudio crashes as soon as i start the new project, saying the param. files are missing, i tried searching for the param folder in sekiro, same thing, even tho the param folder isn't what i'm looking to change...

      any way you could help make a video about it, or explain it step by step please? (even better if you just upload the same file but modified to make it a guard deflect, since you can change the timing for deflect to like...a full hour after you started guarding :O)
    3. Humam2104
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      You need to unpack using UXM. Then the error would disappear
    4. hahamlml
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well, i did unpack it & all, everything seems to be working
      but i still don't get what number should i put in the "Effect Endurance" to turn it into a guard that always deflects number, it was originaly 0 and i tried: (9999), (1), (99), (50), (-999) to make the parry window last a ridiculous amount of time

      all of those don't seem to change anything really, it still seems to be the same timing as your mod, which is honestly generous but i don't get what i'm doing wrong...does it make it easier to deflect the higher the number? cause it doesn't seem to be the case...i'm so sorry if this is too hard for me to understand

      But i think now all i need is: The number i should put it for a guard deflect (basically it will always deflect as long as i keep guarding, no need for any timing, just holding the button and it will deflect any attack i get)
      and do i need to click on "save param" and "save all" then take the 2 files i got to place them into the sekiro folder? ("msg" folder and "Param" folder)
      or perhaps a way i could merge the common.emevd files of Long may the shadows reflect with the Auto deflect one
    5. Humam2104
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      You don't need the msg folder. And the value of Effect Endurance should be something like 0.5 or something. As the value is in seconds.
    6. hahamlml
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i'm sorry it took me this long to reply, i had originally given up but i finally did it today! is there a way i could modify the iframes that way too? maybe reduce or increase them & see how it'll feel ;o
      (and if there is any, how much did you put it in your mod, and how does it work? would increasing the number increase the time value? like does putting it to 1.0 give me a full second of iframe?)
    7. lucioadrian2200
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      friend, could you help me? I want to find some way for Sekiro's posture to never be broken and make him always defend everything regardless of whether it's mikiri red attacks or not! Would there be any value or date that I can modify so that his defense is literally unbreakable?
    8. hahamlml
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      the perfect parry setup is this: speffectparam > 105010 > endurance: 999999 and it worked :3
    9. PassiveDreamer
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hey Humam2104, do you know which param I should edit to get the dodge i frames?
    10. Humam2104
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      There's a param but I don't remember which, I saw someone here in the mods talking about it. You can modify the animations though
  5. feverbutfunny
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Do the infinite sugars/pellets last after respawn?
    1. Humam2104
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Yes they should
  6. KinoSeida
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Is it possible to combine it with the ashina arts mod which changes sekiro’s attack animations?
    1. Humam2104
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      You can't, you have to merge them in some way
  7. Inim0
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    не работает
    плохо сделал
  8. PassiveDreamer
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hello, I was wondering which params in c0000 were edited to get easier mikiri and more dodge iframes? I already have a c0000 from another mod and I wanted to specifically include these two edits you did. Can this be done by simply changing a couple of values in DSMapStudio? 
  9. hahamlml
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hello! i've been using this mod for quiet a while (almost a year apparently) tho i want to know if there's a way i can marge the additional iframes from dodging into LMTSR's anim files, i didn't understand a thing about the description part as i can't seem to find where to put all those codes, rightclicking on "Atkparam_pc" only gives me an option to pin it :(

    or even better, if there's a way i can increase the iframes from dodging through the param editting feature
  10. 3static
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I've installed the modengine and this mod. This is the only mod I have installed besides the mod engine.

    I have followed the instructions, but parts of the mod as described don't seem to be functioning. I did not unpack the game files. I simply stored the mod files as described into the appropriate folder identified by the modengine ini file.

    My prosthetic weapons do not use spirit emblems, but I do not have infinite sugars or pellets or any of the other items that are listed in the description as infinite.

    Is there any advice on how to resolve this?

    Thank you