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  1. RoselikeDreams
    • member
    • 124 kudos
    I haven't had a chance to respond to everyone on the outfits I've been doing, but just know I'm grateful that you're even checking these out and for the feedback. It's awesome that others want more outfit variety in this game as much as I do :) I try to at least get to requests, and if there's someone who has one that I might have forgotten about feel free to PM me!
  2. ImmortalSmoek
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    It's been almost four months since my original post. And only now did I fully experiment with what was the cause of the problem I mentioned
    originally. Turns out, it was never caused by this mod, but rather by the glowing material pack. This mod is fully functional,
    so don't be afraid to use it.
  3. ImmortalSmoek
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Will this mod ever be updated for the new patch? I don't know how much work that'd be tbh, but it'd be a shame if this mod was left half-compatible with the game for the rest of the game's life.
  4. Xinlee
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How to get lightning special effects just Special effects no Attribute influence change and not too big effects just on sword surface thanks!
  5. User_1816822
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    can you add a black version, same colors?
  6. PapSnatchBrim
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Holy White Kusabimaru doesn't seem to be working.

    edit: you can delete this if youd like :)
    1. RoselikeDreams
      • member
      • 124 kudos
      Sorry to hear that duder. Just to make sure, did you place just the file in the parts folder, or the folder the file was in? There can't be any folders in the parts folder, has to be files only.
    2. PapSnatchBrim
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      yes i have tried a bunch of different weapon mods, even some others of yours and they all work, except this one. are you positive you have uploaded the correct file? If you have, i have no idea what is happening.
    3. RoselikeDreams
      • member
      • 124 kudos
      That's really odd. I just downloaded it and unpacked it and everything looks good. Can anyone else confirm this is happening on their end?
    4. PapSnatchBrim
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      my fault. I just tried it again and it works.
  7. PapSnatchBrim
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    What a great job, so cool i like it alot.
    would like to request a version where the white is darker, more grey than white even.
    1. RoselikeDreams
      • member
      • 124 kudos
      I will try this for ya soon :) Probably won't get to it tonight though. But no worries!
    2. PapSnatchBrim
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      ok thanks alot
  8. Leandro15
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    looks like raiden without hat, pretty cool
  9. deleted5326347
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    i love this i was just wondering if you could make the white half of his hair be his whole head? so it all looks stark white?
    1. RoselikeDreams
      • member
      • 124 kudos
      I tried doing that but when I reached a certain threshold on the white color the right side of the head became waay too bright. I'm going to try again soon to make it fully white and balanced.
  10. RainbowDan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Pretty fucking cool, I think the eyes are maybe a tad over the top but the rest fits the game very well.
    1. RoselikeDreams
      • member
      • 124 kudos
      Thanks duder lol Yeah, I made it optional just in case it was too immersion breaking for some!
  11. 7Psycho
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Absolutely amazing dude! One of my favorites already.
    1. RoselikeDreams
      • member
      • 124 kudos
      Thank you! I don't know if you have seen my Oni mod, but I am making a follow-up to that with a new Oni design and colors if that's something that interests you.