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  1. Thevayl
    • supporter
    • 17 kudos
    Since LMTSR has modified files to hide its content to other mod creators. I asked the author if I was allowed to undo that (since it's nothing crazy) and then make a merge with ICEB but I got no anwears.

    So from now on I will not update LMTSR merges anymore.
  2. ditto10169
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi is there a version of only IC with the regen items not being infinite?like the pellets i just dont want to grind for items but i still want a challenge by not having infinite healing items.
  3. Gurrult
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it possible to merge this mod with the "Shadows Buff Twice" Mod? that way extra remnants and memories can be useful at least.

    I really like this mod :)
  4. Gurrult
    • member
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    Hi, thanks for combining this with elden arts mod. I am confused about one thing. does this mod softlock my playthrough out of the ending where
    the dragon heir lives? Since you have to keep asking for rice and eating all of it. Thanks have a nice day :)

    edit: nevermind I found the answer after few pages of scrolling

    PS is there a way to make the sword buff for izanagi to last infinitely as well? it seems to run out fast
  5. JOS3P20
    • member
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    Hi nice mod, i need a little help, i'm trying to combine Shura Art's mod with this because for some reason the modder got banned and my only option is asking you, i what to add this mod but idk what param's change so the game doen's broke or bugs. Ialmost forgot, how do i open a .param?
    1. Diablo0612
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      • 2 kudos
      use yapped or dsmapstudio(i forgot what its called lol) he already added the csv file he edited when u download the mod just open that csv files with text editor or something to take reference and merge em
    2. JOS3P20
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thx a lot 
  6. Zintalents
    • member
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    Hello, can you tell me what param to change the prosthetic effects duration? e.g Suzaku's Lotus Umbrella, I want it to keep the sword with flame buffs on.
    1. Zintalents
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      • 0 kudos
      forgot to say this is for a merge
    2. Diablo0612
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      must be 1100 if not try this three (3312, 106020 ,106025) in SpEffectParam , Change is effect endurance
    3. Zintalents
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      ayeeee the last 2 rows you said worked OMG I've been scrolling thru this for so long and I didn't find it, thank you so much for replying you saved me haha 
    4. Zintalents
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      ૮₍ • ω • ₎ა ✬⋆
    5. Zintalents
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  7. DarkMiner18
    • member
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    Great mod i love it, it gave me a good start could you please if its not much to ask merge ICEB with Sakura arts?
    Thanks anyway for this.
    1. DarkMiner18
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I figured it out as long as they both don't overwrite the same file i can install them both :)
  8. Marked04
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Can I ask what you changed in the gameparam??? I'm currently trying to merge this mod with Elden Arts... I would also be grateful if you have time to merge it yourself.... Thanks for the mod!
    1. Thevayl
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      Everything is the the different csv files
    2. Marked04
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks for the quick reply! You're the man!!
      Ps. I can't seem to check the content of the default file.... It keeps saying error or something.
    3. Diablo0612
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      u can use this to view if u don have softwares to.
  9. nerko2111
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi? is it possible for you ti make a mod for infinite healing gourd only?
  10. SashaPrime
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    hi there, pardon my stupidity since i'm relevantly new to sekiro modding; do you have any idea how to apply this mod with "Weapon Wheel Mod"? or is it not possible? let me know
    1. Thevayl
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      There are no conflicts between them, check how to chain dll to get weapon wheel and mod engine at the same time.
    2. SashaPrime
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      • 0 kudos
      that's exactly what i did.. except ICEB doesn't really apply while Weapon Wheel is active, ICEB doesn't count as a dll since it's a "gameparam" thing.. i saw a comment about this in Weapon Wheel saying that ICEB hasn't been working properly and needed suggestions

      https://ibb.co/T46Q2SB < as you can see, in this screenshot there is a limit of consumables instead of it being infinite (stated by the number below the consumable icon in the bottom right corner..) do you have any advice for this? i definitely need a guide
    3. Diablo0612
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      • 2 kudos
      u havent chained .dll of modengine and .dll of weapon wheel for it to work properly so ur mods are not working actually only weapon wheel is working.
      so do as he said and check how to chain dll to get weapon wheel and mod engine at the same time
    4. Diablo0612
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      here how u can do it

      just rename the "dinput8.dll" of weapon wheel mod to something like "weaponwheel.dll" like that and put it in the game directory and then open the modengine.ini file and look for "Chainload" there you will see something like this (chainDInput8DLLPath="") add the renamed name there like this (chainDInput8DLLPath="\WeaponWheel.dll")  and save it .this should do.

      or u can watch this video starting part where he showed how to merge mod engine and WW mod
    5. SashaPrime
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      again, that is what i did to all of the above.. only ICEB doesn't work, that is because if i place the "dinput8.dll" from Weapon Wheel mod folder into Sekiro directory, ICEB and other changes with ModEngine (the part where you can skip logo intros and be directly into the Sekiro menu) won't apply here.. however, if i revert that change with a different "dinput8.dll" (let's say, ModEngine's "dinput8.dll" instead of Weapon Wheel's "dinput8.dll") ICEB applies with no problem but the only missing mod is Weapon Wheel

      so.. would you mind combining ICEB with Weapon Wheel mod into your "Miscellaneous" here? it would be appreciated!! ^^
    6. Thevayl
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      I can't merge these mods since they have nothing in common and thus are fully compatible.
      What is incompatible without tweaking is Mod Engine and Weapon wheel. But you can fix that by chaining dll.
      Take a look at Diablo0612's explanation, you didn't follow them correctly.
    7. Diablo0612
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      bruh watch the video or follow the method to merge first and try again cuz u didnt did it correctly. this mod doesnt mess with dinput.dll at all like the author said . 
  11. soul1024
    • member
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    I applied this mod, but it doesn't seem to work well. Isn't this a mode that doesn't decrease even if you use items? I applied it to the mods folder.
    1. Thevayl
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      You must have done something wrong. When it's working there is no item count anymore just like in the pictures.