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    Blood fix is currently under development!, as well getting the textures approved for download, sorry for any inconvenience!

    UPDATE: All hats available! still fixing blood.

    UPDATE: 4/5/2023 for some reason a few files were marked as suspicious, I have sent out a request email and am actively working to get this fixed, blood is still a work in progress.

    UPDATE: 4/6/2023 files have been approved and can be downloaded, a blood fix has been completed, and will be uploaded this weekend.
  2. xwitherlordx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How do I know which one to download? Does it work with sakura dance? 
    1. H4SAKI
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Mod description has pics and names, and yes it does
  3. Bingchilling25
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi i love your mod i just want to know how do i fix a bug thats happening

    the hands are darker than wolfs face and its kinda strange
    how do i fix it?
    1. daonjre
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      hello i have permission from h4saki to speak on his behalf. i will need you to answer a few questions so i can help you fix the bug.

      can you post a picture of the hands? which file from this mod are you using? and are you using any other mods? (specifically i mean if you have anything else in your parts and/or mtd folder. its ok if you dont have a mtd folder.)
  4. Grimzley1
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hello, love your mods! the best armor and weapon in nexus.
    I'm having a graphic glitch with the Miyamoto Musashi hair in cutscenes is there a way to fix it?
    the rest of the hairs works great no problem at all just the Musashi one.
    1. H4SAKI
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Hey im glad!, thats caused by unk error, I would recommend using my newest version of that, the texture is better and that bug is fixed I believe https://www.nexusmods.com/sekiro/mods/1564  theres also some new outfits in that, I have a new set outfits coming out soon and a whole mod devoted to Musashi and various versions.
    2. Grimzley1
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      omg thank you!!!
  5. ce1estialcs
    • member
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    idk if im doing something wrong but everytime i drag the sakai mask files into the mods/parts folder, wolf's hair turns white, need help with this
    1. daonjre
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      hello im a modder and am familiar w this issue.

      are u using any other mods aside from this one? and r u mix and matching different outfits together? if so, please tell me which ones
    2. ce1estialcs
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      im using the blades of the guardian mod and trying to remove the hat and use it with the sakai mask
    3. daonjre
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      to test and fix ur issue, i have to download the files u have. so ill need u to verify if these r the mod files u downloaded:

      u r using this mod correct? BLADES OF THE GUARDIAN
      and which file do u have downloaded from that mod?

      as for the sakai mask files, is this the one u have downloaded?
    4. ce1estialcs
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      nevermind you dont need to download it, i managed to fix it (somehow and idk how lmao), but thank you for your help :)
  6. josefbg15
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    which one has only the oni mask without the hat???
    1. H4SAKI
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Sakai Head
    2. josefbg15
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thanks but wich file it is? cause i was searching through all of them and I don't find it
    3. H4SAKI
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Shinano River Prowler, seaside duel, storm walker all should have it included.
    4. H4SAKI
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      My sincerest apologies! its actually not in there. Ill be uploading all the masks with hat variants shortly. once again my apology!
  7. josefbg15
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    how can i make a mod for sekiro??
  8. Cocoeehh
    • member
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    If kokushibo why not yoriichi?
  9. 20cent974
    • supporter
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    who can add mod for play mugen in samurai champloo
  10. SirElmer31
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Don't get me wrong bro. Really love all this Samurai-themed mods but why are the shoulders all look so weird?
    1. H4SAKI
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      • 15 kudos
      “This model was intended for a Frail Old  member of the Ashina Elite“

      jokes aside, Nogami Gensai originally wears a Haori which better frames the shoulders, however it is not present for this mod, when removed it shows off less broadened shoulders which is understandably off putting to many, personally I find it to be very stylized and gives a more baggy appearance reminiscent to more animated manga esque samurai, such as Kokushibo. I would refer to my previous mod for a reference, as the shoulder difference is very apparent. I have made attempts to alleviate this issue, however it ultimately gives off a rather boxy feel.

    2. SirElmer31
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh I see now, it was from a Nogami Gensai's body. Thanks! Well, I agree tho you definitely got that seasoned samurai look. Anyway, do you accept mod requests? I would really love those Old Isshin animations ported to Wolf, if possible. I really find his dodge cool and his walk too. I want to go for that sword saint kinda feel for my next playthrough. Just let me know whichever support u need! 
    3. H4SAKI
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      • 15 kudos
      I’d happily take a request! However within the scope of my knowledge, regretfully I am not all too familiar with Params and character animations, my sincerest apologies.
    4. SirElmer31
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Understood, bro. Thanks again for this mod. Very awesome! :)
  11. Weforix
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Wonderful, Glad to see my musashi texture in this ambitious modpack!
    1. H4SAKI
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      • 15 kudos
      Ambitious is putting it lightly haha, this took quite some time but I’m glad it’s out there!, I like your take on the Vagabond Kimono, however I wanted something more worn in to give an older feel, mainly why I opted for a dirtier blue Kimono, and a hazel brown for the Hakama. The musashi Katana was probably the most difficult part, but Yunia was a major help to say the least :)
    2. DementedShrub
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I see your katana has a larger special effect area could you please elaborate on how you did that
    3. H4SAKI
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      • 15 kudos
      Hm, it kinda came like that since its from ds3, I believe adjusting it is done through the Json Text, in a diff menu on flver, I havent actually played around with personally.