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  1. hanandewa5
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    bro, can you make blue version of it ?
  2. Gamma281
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Heyyy there my man! ^^

    So I need your help... I tried researching editing param files etc but given the limited info on the matter from what I found and my brain being tiny... I gave up.

    You can see my comment on this post here: As you can see I'm trying to merge your mod with this one, but it also uses param files and therefore collides.

    I hate to harass two modders but I'm contacting both in case one ends up responding. Also, to not be a slacker that just demands things... if you or they can merge the two that would be cool, but if you don't want to or maybe it's not allowed, then feel free to tell me what to edit in the param files to get your mod's effects and I'll just re-code the other one's files to match yours where necessary for strictly personal use so as to not step on anyone's toes here.

    Hopefully I reach one of you as these posts are a few years old now. As stated on the other page I'm super new here, so if I'm doing anything wrong I'd like to apologize in advance, but if not then have yourself a nice day, just some random positivity.

    Edit: Alright... this is embarrassing... so SOMEWHOW I got them both working together by mixing and matching files one by one... I have no idea WHAT the hell I did, but my point is that it's working so now all I need is a version of their mod without something in it as I stated on their post, but that's for them to do and has nothing to do with your mod, so I'll leave you be. Sorry for wasting your time and thanks a million for this amazing mod though! I'll leave the full text to avoid confusion but the main point is no help is needed anymore, sorry again.
  3. Graigsz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    doesnt work for me i did everything correctly /mods/event/common.emevd.dcx and still not showing it was working at start but not anymore
    1. Dop3Dwg
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Have you installed Sekiro Modengine correct and edited the modengine.ini with chainDInput8DLLPath="\mods"  modOverrideDirectory="\mods"?

      Edit: red is wrong, green is correct
    2. Graigsz
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yes i did like i said it used to work but then it stopped working all of a sudden 
    3. Dop3Dwg
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      make you didn't make it like this sekiro/mods/mods/event/... it should be sekiro/mods/event
      my zip have the mods folder included so it shouldn't be unpacked to the mods folder, it should be unpacked to the sekiro folder
      and make sure you don't use an other mod that use the same files, if you're using SekiroModManager and adds multiple mods that use the same files, one will overwrite the other and only the last in load-order will get loaded
      OPS, i just saw an error on my last answer/question is should be modOverrideDirectory="\mods" not chainDInput8DLLPath="\mods"
      and make sure you do not have a ; at the start of the row with modOverrideDirectory="\mods" in the modengine.ini file
      i'll edit other post
    4. Graigsz
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      this is all correct i have done everything like you said but ever since i started using another head piece "sekiro long hair" it has stopped working entirely, i used to use the whole bloody wolf mod but just changed head piece and it stopped working i deleted modengine and my whole mods folder reinstalled everything but its still not showing the flames all other mods do work which are just the "fast idol" "shinobi execute sound" "bloody wolf" and "long hair sekiro" i deleted the parts folder to check if that is causing the problem and my game is just crashing for no reason "0XC0000005 Error" idk
    5. Dop3Dwg
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      I'm not sure what to tell you, but I don't think it's my mod that causes that... it could be
      Try and remove all other mods and only use mine and see if the crash still occur, let me know if it does.
    6. Graigsz
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i fixed it i reinstalled the game and i think the bug was caused due to "fast homeward idol" the mod bugged even to the point that my sword disappeared i looked in the comments and someone put a updated version and now everything is working properly including your mod thank you for helping me
  4. AxelXGrey
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    can u add option without the eyes just the flame with EA compatible? i dont like how the eyes glow....

    EDIT: nvm i check the readme and just remove the eyes row codes and done
  5. xnn
    • supporter
    • 36 kudos
    Grtz on another awesome mod! I'm gone need to link that as tip on all my mod-pages.. ;)