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  • Modding Help from a newbie to remove iron sights and create a custom weapon

    So, How I got this mod to work, was simple for creating the weapon, but a lot harder to find out how to remove the Iron Sights, in order to have it just zoom in the FOV like in Fallout 3. It is a custom weapon, with the stock object model, and animations, that are being modified to remove the iron sights.

    This is a full detailed and comprehensive guide to how I made this mod.

    WARNING: Iron sights cannot be removed from items like the laser rifle, that already do not have Iron Sights, nor Scoped weapons. It also may not work on certain items. You're mileage may vary.

    To re-open a saved .esp file, simple go into GECK, under "Open", deselect every file except for the .esp file you are trying to re-open, and the "FalloutNV.esm" file. Make sure to press th...

  • Sit.

    Thank you for sitting. I hope the community enjoys my next mod. Its going to be a non humanoid companion with a quest to aquire it. The courier will have the fight their way through some and then will be able to recruit a friendly . Mod will feature custom enemy and companion and quest. Thank you for everyones support so far....

  • Migration to Cartographer

    Migrating existing presets to CartographerMigrating existing presets to Cartographer is particularly simple. Two cases come to mind:

    Simple NVR settings
    If you are only using NVR at its base form, that is, just the toml configuration, and would like to start using the NVR preset swapping functionality, the migration is basically just a question of editing the following:



    Name however you wish, Default for posterity.




    Include any and all settings you would like to make presettable based on location. Rest will be kept the same as in the toml configuration for ...

  • Cartographer Configuration

    Guide to Cartographer ConfigurationQuick note on nomenclature: In this guide I will be referring mainly to two concepts - configuration and presets. While you can call the whole Cartographer configuration a preset, I want to make a distinction between the actual configuration and the presets used to by the various features. To sum up:

    Configuration - Defines what Cartographer should do, which presets it should apply to its features, etc.
    Preset - An ini file containing keys for a certain Cartographer feature, such as NVR or a lighting template.
    Once you download the framework, you can notice a folder called Config inside the main folder, with a Cartographer subfolder. This is where all the Cartographer configuration and presets live.

    As noted severa...

  • 1.1b Content

    ===List of locations===

    Southern Water Hole, this one is near the exit cave of the whole worldspace. A pack of tough golden gecko defend this rare water source. The sole water source on this southern space.
    Irradiated Water Hole, this one has two crater storing irradiated water, poisonous to all but certain type of animals. The two craters are apocalyptic ruins of two killed-on-flight missiles. As such, only fire gecko frequent this area. This water is irradiated but you can die without it.
    Eastern Water Hole,  a blocked-off pond storing water from underground spring. Obviously, if you can last long enough to get here you might not need to quench your deadly thirst with irradiated water.
    Western Water Hole, this is a blocked off pond storing underground wa...

  • KingCobraJFS BETA Mod Release

    Hello everyone!
    I just uploaded a beta of a project im working on.
    I would like to bring the likeness of joshua saunders aka KingCobraJFS into fallout new vegas.
    A better combination than monster energy drink and mead.
    Feel free to share any thoughts in the replies. Thank you for your continued patronage. ...

  • Issues-Suggestions-Requests

    If you have anything to ask or tell me go ahead and do it here :3....

  • Fallout 4 New Vegas - Doc Mitchell Theme Replacer NVR VERSION

    So now whe have a New vegas Reloaded version, enjoy. 

    Fallout 4 New Vegas - Doc Mitchell Theme Replacer NVR VERSION

  • SLS Prompt Edits

    Please ask any questions and or make any requests....

  • I guess something about me

    I feel likenothing makes sense. I guess it’s just a short time when I feel down or
    something, but if so, why do I break down completely? Everything feels absurd,
    I remember a time where I had everything I could possibly want, and I felt safe
    and confident about the future. And now? I don’t know. Why is everything taking
    so much time? Why can’t I finish my dental school already and find a job? Why
    is everything so difficult? And even emotionally, I don’t know how to feel.
    I’ve got some traumatic memories resurfacing from time to time, and when they
    do, wow it hurts. I guess I’ll find my way out of this one, like I usually do.
    Maybe, I’ll see, I just needed to open up a bit. 

    I don’tknow what’s happening to me, I...

  • Luci's trans flags

    Re-textures the flags so you can show you're trans pride :3...

  • Installation and troubleshooting


    Extract .zip archive to your Fallout New Vegas Data folder. Then enable the plugin via your designated mod manager.

    MD5: 8eaf0145e1b26194b6d320683cfcf47d
    SHA1: 569a154b5e17d6bfabc2b466264d5f723d394387

    Mod requirements

    JohnnyGuitar NVSE

    It is highly recommended to install each requirement manually (without mod managers e.g. MO2 or Vortex)

    xNVSE does not support Epic Games version, you will have to use Epic Games patcher to downgrade your game.

    New Vegas is very prone to game crashes, it is recommend to install NVAC.
    To make sure mod requirements have been installed successfully, open nvse.log inside Fallout New...

  • questions

    if anyone has issues or questions just message me and will help you out...

  • All skill book locations

    Big Book of Science:
    - Bethesda ruins - In Bethesda offices west, on the main desk on the ground floor, right next to the terminal. Be careful, there's a turret in there.
    - Broadcast tower KB5 - On the highway bridge between broadcast tower KB5 and SatCom Array NW-07c, as you approach from the east, the corpse of a scientist will be blown out of the back of a truck. The book will be on the body of the scientist, and is much more easily looted from any body parts that remain on the bridge, rather than what has fallen into the river below the bridge.
    - Corvega factory - In a waste container to the south. You will need to jump in from the cliff above
    - Greener Pastures disposal site - In the back end of a truck in the southwest near a dead scientist
    - Nuka-Cola p...

  • OctoBeam Shotgun V 0.8 Release

    Hello! Kino Games Studios here.
    I am officially releasing my second mod
    Thank you to the almost 200 of you that downloaded my first mod, Steady Aim Perk. My second mod is a weapon addition. I felt that A. Camp searchlight is much less exciting to explore if you don't have wild wasteland and aren't there for the grenades. and B. It would be cool if there was a laser shotgun in New Vegas. (if you don't count the beam splitters and tri-beam rifle).
    I intend on updating this mod further to include a small quest to obtain modifications for it, like a very small version of the suit trials in Old World Blues. Thank you everyone for supporting my endeavors. later!...

  • Steady Aim Perk. Kino Game Studios Announcement

    Hello All! 

    I am writing to inform the FNV Nexus community that I have updated my Fallout 4 Steady Aim Perk for FNV. I have corrected some punctuation and created a custom image for the perk image in the pip boy and perk choice menu. I am also writing to announce that henceforth these endeavors will be known as Kino Game Studios. Thanks to everyone who's checked out my first mod and I hope to continue making more. Cheers....

  • First Ever Mod

    here is a really cool bunker to explore :)...

  • Mojave Legion

    This Mod Just adds a New Faction to the game it with its own reputation They are called the Mojave Legion and they follow you around they are pretty much your own personal Army but be warned they are at war with ncr and Caesars legion So no siding with ncr or legion with these guys on your side
    so yeah ...