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  • MWSE Eye of Night Toggle

    MWSE Eye of Night Toggle

    Last Update: 29 Jul 2024
    Author: cantorsdust
    Uploader: cantorsdust

    This mod turns the Eye of Night spell available to the Khajiit race into a toggled effect that can last indefinitely and be turned on and off at will. It uses MWSE and the MCM to allow for a customizable level of Night Eye magnitude so users can choose their desired Night Eye brightness. Non-Khajiits can use the console to easily add this spell.

    • 3KB
    • 0
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    MWSE Eye of Night Toggle

    Last Update: 29 Jul 2024
    Author: cantorsdust

    This mod turns the Eye of Night spell available to the Khajiit race into a toggled effect that can last indefinitely and be turned on and off at will. It uses MWSE and the MCM to allow for a customizable level of Night Eye magnitude so users can choose their desired Night Eye brightness. Non-Khajiits can use the console to easily add this spell.

News & Updates

  • Aaron's Ambient Rain Replacement sounds for Morrowind

    Aaron's Ambient Rain Replacer for Morrowind

    I wasn't happy with the stock rain sounds. They were too loud and abrasive. These are from my own archive of field recordings. I edited them specifically for my own personal Morrowind. The levels in these match up better with the rest of the sound effects. They don't overwhelm the other effects, but also have more nuance and variety of droplets hitting the ground. I thought I'd share them with others.

    44.1khz / 16bit


    Audio Technica BP4025
    Sound Devices Mixpre 3 II
    luscious midwestern summer storms
    UAD & Plugin Alliance plugins for post processing.

  • Compatible Skooma Mods

    Tested and works alongside other skooma mods. I recommend the following:

    Caiusland Fever Dream Mod.ESP
    Moon Sugar Plantation.esp
    Syc_AtHomeAlchemy - Finished.esp
    The Corpse and the Skooma Pipe Overhaul.ESP
    and others......

  • Update 2

    Update 2:
    Added some basic config options within the script itself as I make the proper config screen. Fixed a bug when restoration was was checking for a previous level with alteration instead of itself.

    --Magicka gain per level
    enable_magicka_gain = false

    --level cap unlocked
    level_cap_unlocked = false

    --attribute cap unlocked
     attribute_cap_unocked = false

    --Luck per level
     luck_pts = 1

    --Attributes gained after enough skill increases
     attr_pts = 1

    --How many skills gains for an Attribute increase under 100
    pts2lvl = 2

    --How many skill gains for an Attribute increase after lvl 100
    pts2lvl100 = 4

    --exp required to level
     exp2lvl = 10...

  • Morrowind Overhaul

    I published a morrowind overhaul to make it  way more harder and sometimes even tactic and realistic.
    All details in description....

  • General Mod Guide

    General Mod Guide

    In the mod, there are two main crossroads for Arvesa. The first is when the player takes Moon-And-Star and the second is at the conclusion of the Main Quest.

    These paths are both influenced entirely by the player in different ways. I'll explain how in a non-spoiler interspersed with spoiler versions, for those who don't mind and want more information.


    When you first meet Arvesa, she is formal and not very personable. Between the period of first recruiting her to just before the Hortator and Nerevarine quests, this can be considered the loyalty chapter of your relationship with her. Certain decisions you make in quests and notably her personal quests will incur Favor or Wrath. I'll explain these hidden mechanics below...

  • Major Update - 0.70

    I've released v0.70 which has another significant number of changes, albeit not as large as 0.60.  I've now finished balancing all Bloodmoon and Tribunal gear, as well as any remaining unique weapons and armour. Previous releases focused on the main game, whereas now almost every weapon and armour in the game has been tweaked (those that haven't changed, either by luck or design were already ~perfect).

    I've also started correcting the more obvious errors with enchant potential, made sure every enchanted & silver weapon is correctly flagged as such (catching a number of omissions in the process), and made some further tweaks to spears and weapon and item weights.  Full changelist below:


    Huntsman spear shortened and attacks faster...

  • 0.61 Release - bugfixing cast on strike enchantments

    Quick update today - thanks to the person that highlighted that enchantments cast on strike at touch distance were not activating due to how Morrowind calculates distance.  I've corrected all of these instances I could find....

  • New Release: Optional Quality of Life perks

    In my playthrough of the game I noticed a few small, recurring annoyances that just make the game harder or weirder than it needs to be.   This doesn't fit with the initial "sensible weapons and armour" shtick and was mostly for my own use,  but I'm sharing it here if you'd like to make use of it. 

    Reduce cliffracer spawn chance from 25% to1%.  This won’t remove cliffracers asthere are a lot of static spawns, but should stop almost all instances of
    having more than 1 chasing you
     Add a special ability called “questguide” to some “non-combatant” individuals that are the target of Escort quests.  The hitbox, pathing & AI for escorts inthe game is pretty broken and it’s easy – especially late game – to kill your escortee in one hit.  ...

  • Major Update - 0.60

    This is a big one.  I've finished "all" of the game weapons and armour in every category and rolled out the changes to their enchanted equivalents as well.   Additionally, I have included an optional "quality of life improvements" file which you can find more information on here.

    The changes in this version:

    >99% of armour changes are done and >95% of weapon changes.  All that remains are mostly Bloodmoon weapons and a handful of unique items from the expansions.    

    Weapons have been measured against each other both within categories (e.g. Dwarven spear vs Steel spear) and across categories (e.g. Spears vs Long Blades) to ensure relatively uniform "sensible" damage.  Weapons have also been balanced against each other based on length and de...


    The Charioter is a sign representing a horse, but there is an obvious lack of horses inside Morrowind. This is a sad fact when compared to the predecessor Daggerfall, which had horse travel as a main in-game mechanic.
    But why is there an absence of horses in this game? The reason might surprise you

    Answer:The Hardware and Engine were not prepared.

    Bethesda was entering the 3D market, where games were transitioning from 2D sprites to 3D sprites. This required a significant amount of effort and time consumption because they also needed to focus on modeling in-game characters. Overall, the 3D nature of Morrowind was, at the time, a risky but successful experiment in changing the genre of Elder Scrolls into a more open...

  • Releasing version 0.20

    A list of the changes in 0.20..  Let me know if you have any feedback.


    Tweaked spears further.  Steel spear renamed to Steel Longspear & given +reach and -speed to fit with its model as it is the longest spear by far.
    All bound weapons had their damage reduced by 1/4.  All demon/devil purchase values increased - no more purchasing a bound weapon for 150 gold.   These weapons should now still be "very strong" but no longer endgame equivalent........and they will cost you.  (All bound armors are unchanged as they are skill dependent, there are more pieces and any advantage is averaged as opposed to one summon being game-changing for weapons)


    imperial silver cuirasses are cheaper again.  Previous chang...

  • Why I archived this

    This is a re-upload of Stuporstar's Tea Mod. 

    With her website down, Great House Fliggerty down, and Morrowind Modding History down, this makes it incredibly difficult to find all of her mods.

    While "Quest Tweaks and Alternatives" and "Uvirith's Legacy 3.5" have thankfully been preserved, several of her other mods have not.

    I'm uploading it here, so everyone can have access to it.

    We lost Planet Elder Scrolls, Mod History, Great House Fliggerty, and many, many others along the way, and all the mods and resources uploaded there are gone forever. So please make sure to archive mods like this for future generations of modders!

    If Stuporstar wants me to take this mod down, I will.

    My email is [email protected] if anyone...

  • Walkthrough

    The Bit Where You First Meet
    Just outside the Census & Excise building in Seyda Neen, a handsome man in uniform is wandering around. Just as you walk past, he accosts you and accuses you of being an old friend of his sister! If you tell him you’re on your way to Balmora, he’ll offer to accompany you. If your character is experienced, he will just ask you to meet him in Ebonheart and disappear. If you tell him you’re busy, he’ll tell you he’ll see you in Ebonheart. If you (as a level 1 character) choose to go to Balmora with him, he’ll helpfully direct you all the way to Caius Cosades’ house. You can walk with him all the way (he’ll shout out instructions at crossroads along the way so you won’t get lost), or just take ...

  • Readme - RU

    Название: Три плетёных щита
    Автор: РЕДМЕНЪ
    Версия: 1.0
    Требования: Morrowind
    Плагин добавляет в игру три новых плетёных щита. Вы сможете купить их в Балморе.
    Культура Морровинда известна широким использованием природных материалов. Суровые условия жизни, бедность, культурные традиции заставляют с вниманием относиться к подручным средствам: если вокруг в достаточном количестве есть кустарн�...

  • Readme - ENG

    Title: The Three Wicker Shields
    Author: REDMAN
    Version: 1.0
    Requirements: Morrowind
    The plugin adds three new wicker shields to the game. You will be able to buy them in Balmora.
    The culture of Morrowind is known for its extensive use of natural materials. Harsh living conditions, poverty, and cultural traditions make it necessary to pay attention to the means at hand: if there are enough bushes, reeds, and plants with dense leathery leaves around, why not use them in everyday life? Twigs, dressed reeds and leaves can be used to weave not only baskets and hats, but also shields.
    Woven shields are lightweight armor and offer little p...

  • First pass - releasing 0.10

    I've put together a first pass of the mod I originally discussed on Reddit here: . 

    Looking to collect feedback from early users especially those starting a new game or just about to get to certain points in the late game (e.g. your first Adamantium, Royal Guard, or Ice armour set).   Thank you very much!...

  • TrueFlamesSuper Stat Edit

    Just A stat Edit For TrueFlame. ...

  • Is drakes good to society

    Maybe morrowind could be better if the whole society actually invested in actual hiring people and not doing illegal questionable stuff ...

  • Enchanted rings and their effects

    Rings (original name) and their effects.

        * Abyssal Covenant (Ring of Artorias) -     Constant Effect | Summon Bonelord, Summon Daedroth. Summon Skeletal Minon, Burden self 50  Weakness to normal                                                 weapons self 10
        * Thick Skin Ring (Bloodbite Ring)    -     Constant Effect | Resist normal weapons self 5
        * Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring (same)   -         Cast when used  | Spell Absorption self 5 to 50
        * Blue Tearstone Ring (same)          -        Constant Effect | Burden 10, Resist Normal Weapons 5
        * Ring of Misfortune (Calamity Ring)  -        Constant Effect | Drain Skill Heavy Armour 50, Drain Skill M...