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  • Shattered Affixes 2.19

    Added the 18 new skill modifiers from Patch (see grimtools :
    They can drop as random shattered amulet affixes.

    Reduced drop rate of special item from shattered chest above SR 100.
    Removed some unused files...

  • Updates and Bug Reports and etc

    feel free to report any bugs, questions, ideas. say anything you want, i am not some "weak human" to ban someone for some bad jokes or theyir wais of speaks. But be prepared if you harshly f*ck someone here in coments to be f*cked in back too ;)...

  • SHattered Affixes V2.14

    You can now shatter the new items from patch 1.1.9
    The rewards from Shard 100 and above have been changed.

    Mazaan will now propose you to choose one reward in a list, the available choices in the list depending on 2 factors :

    Shard level you completed
    The presence of a new currency called "Shattered celestial soul" in your inventory that requires to farm oustide SR to be crafted.

    The purposes of this change is to offer the player more choices and also give more reasons to farm other places in the main campaign, outside the Shattered Realm.
    After completing shard 100 or above, you will be able to choose one reward :

    A random number of shattering orbs (2-7)
    A fixed number of shattering orbs : (Shard level-...

  • Sparker 1.2 changes

    The flat damage of spark skill tree is reduced by 40% so it will be 60% of current spark flat damage.
    the 1st passive of Sparker : reduce +% offense from 18% OA to 14 /15% OA in Ultimate ranks(20/10)
    2nd Passive : Focus > reduce % OA by 5% in both softcap rank and ultimate Rank
    Avatar of wrath : Remove Fire/Lighting % damage bonus. Change to + 110 % Ele damage at softcap and 220% at ult ranks.
    Reduce % total dmg modifer by 5%
    Storm Crystal: remove flat DA reduce

    Vision of another dimension set :
    3 sets bonus > reduce % Phys res from 15 to 10.
    5 sets bonus > reduce % crit damage from 10 to 8
    reduce flat OA from 80 to 50 OA....

  • How to screw up your character

    When starting your game, ALWAYS pay attention to make sure that the mod you created the character under is the mod world that you are starting your game with. If you aren’t paying attention to what you’re doing, there are two situations in which you could lose your class assignment and all of the skill points you’ve spent. This happens because the files that make up the class and skills aren’t loaded and then the files that make up your character get saved in this classless state where you’ve advanced up to whatever level you are and already spent your skill points.

    The first situation in which this can happen is if you select a character that you created under one mod and then start a custom game with the wrong mod selected. For example, if you create ...

  • Design Concept for Undead Master

    Concept as of 11/28/2020

    Spell Casting by Proxy
    In the movie, “The Crow”, the undead protagonist is invincible if his agent to the other side, the crow, is healthy. Hurt the crow, and the protagonist can be stopped. The crow basically can’t do anything on its own. His agent, the protagonist, does the work. Can this be replicated in Grim Dawn?
    What if the necromancer must learn which agents of the dead to master in order to achieve the desired outcome? Instead of the necromancer casting the spells, he calls forth a proxy to cast them. For example, the necromancer summons a rat and the rat summons the skeleton. Testing has revealed a problem with this approach. If the 2nd generation pet (the skeleton in this example) makes the kill, the necroman...

  • grim dawn mod to let low level players use high level items

    grim dawn mod to let low level players use high level items,

    all items are from original grim dawn, i just made all items require level 2 and physique spirit cunning 45...

  • V1.9

    -Added the 10 new legendary from patch 1.6.0 to SR110 loot table
    -Added Wilhelm's Wondrous Wargem to the available shattered legendary amulet
    -Added some legendary faction weapons, amulet and medals to the loot tables.
    -Re generated skill modifiers affixes (amulet, medal) and skill proc affixes (rings) from the base game item, version 1.6.0 patch => This may cause some of your affixes to change but it shouldn't happen again.Now there are 1095 skill modifiers affixes from the base game and  652 skill proc affixes from the base game.
    -Legendary medals can no longer have item proc affixes.
    -Replaced nearly all mysterious items (except stat potions) from SR chest 110 with recipe for medals....

  • FYI

    In case people are still visiting this page in 2019, soon to be 2020 - the mod is still being worked on, I'm just not updating the standalone version anymore. No reason to, Grimarillion has everything from Grim Quest and I'm working on both. Easier for me to just maintain grimarillion downloads. Visit the official Grim Dawn forums and download it/talk about it there.

  • Shattered Affixes 1.5 Update

    Two devotions were missing modifiers :
    Devotion Azrakaa Shifting Sands - : +1 projectile -0.2s cooldown +60%WD +50% projectile speed +1m radius
    Black Blood of Yugol : +3s time to live +1 summon +4 summon limit

    Chance for rewarding a Shattering Orb is now always equal to your Shard level in SR (at level 100 and above you are guaranteed to be rewarded)
    You start to be reward with a shattering orb after completing shard 65 or above.
    You have a chance to be rewarded with an additional Shattering orb every 5 levels above 65. This means that at level 80 you can be rewarded with 4 orbs (65,70,75,80).

  • V1.3 Version Changelog

    V1.3 Version Changelog
    New Legendary Shattered Runes (movement skills)
    Legendary Rings can now be Shattered with a shattering orb.
    The recipe will craft a random legendary ring with random affixe(s).The Ring affixes can be any item proc (chance to cast on attack, on hit...) from any item or set in Grim Dawn.It has a 90% chance to be a corrupted prefix giving negative effects (-10% damage, -10% max resistance, -8% total speed, -10% Physique...).There are currently 714 item proc prefix, so that's 255 255 combinations possibles (not counting 22 corrupted prefix)Legendary amulets can now be shattered with a shattering orb.
    The recipe will craft a random legendary amulet with random affixe(s).The Ring affixes can be any skillmodifier from any item or set in Grim ...

  • Shattered Affixes

    Inspired by Path of Exile Labyrinth enchantment(skill modifier on helm) and Altar of Corruption (high risk - high reward) this mod allows you to craft a new version of any legendary HELM/GLOVES/BOOTS with affixes (skill modifiers for the helm, consumable modifiers for the gloves, damage conversion for the boots) but at the risk to destroy it.
    In the Shattered Realm, in Ultimate difficulty only , after completing Shard 70 or above you will earn a Shattering orb when Mazaan asks you to collect your reward.
    The higher the Shard completed the more you receive Shattering orbs:
    Shards 70-75 rewards you with 1 shattering orb
    Shards 76-80 rewards you with 2 shattering orbs
    Shards 81-85 rewards you with 3 shattering orbs
    Shards 86-90 rewards you with 4 shattering...

  • Diablo 3 Barbarian Class Update for D3 Classes Mod

    This Mod is an update of Grimer D3 Classes Mod for Grim Dawn.
    See Grim Dawn official forums (section Moding projects) for more information....

  • 1/1 devotion bug

    For those of you that are intrested I figured I'd explain how this bug happened.

    It's really simple. Before the latest patch,"playerDevotionCap" within the gameengine.dbr was the only reference I needed to change. But afterwards, it is also referenced within the playerLevels.dbr.

    So yeah, they(crate) just changed the location for the devotion cap hook, and since the old version of my mod both replaced the default playerLevels.dbr and did not contain the devotion tag, the game assumed you could not gain devotion... Which is a problem.

    But yay, it's fixed. Let me know if you guys see anymore problems....

  • FAQ


    Q: What is this mod? 

    A: This is a conversion mod, bringing all the Titan Quest: Immortal Throne masteries to Grim Dawn! 

    Q: What can I expect from this mod?

    A: TQIT Masteries and their skills, UI, sounds, revamped to fit GD standards. (ongoing process, almost there)
    TQIT artifacts (done)
    TQIT specific affixes (some done)
    TQIT Uniques (wip)

    Q: Are these masteries and items balanced?

    A: It is a work in progress. If people post something is too strong, I'll take a look. If it is too weak, I'll take a look. Currently, all masteries are pretty strong for the most part, although some skills will still have a cap of +4 to all skills rather than the GD standard of +10. If ...