1. OussaMax
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    Installation tutorial + quick mod showcace
  2. OussaMax
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    UI FIXED! Say no more to Menu / HUD Glitchs.. 

    I have made some tweaks to fix the screen overlay on top of menus and UI
    Actually each part of the problem has to be fixed in a different manner (menu / hud)

    • For people who already have v0.3!: Please delete the old profiles first (ini files with time of day name scheme) before you unpack the RAR .

    • UI Mask (stable): HUD is no longer afected by the mod.
    • Menu Mask (Alpha,Unstable!): The mod no longer appears in main menu / intros.
    • Time of day presets are renamed to better fit the time cycle.

    Update issus:

    • UI Mask (for hud): It works almost perfectly, but there are some edge leaks (since Weapons & clock digits have variable shapes while the mask is static).
    • UI Detect (for menus): Works better (if not only) at 1920x1080 resolution (I will make different pixel sampling for other common resolutions)
    • UI Detect (for menus): Has some flickering issues, (I'm looking for the cause & solution).
    • UI Detect (for menus): Doesn't work when menus are in "fading to black" state. (it's based on fixed color data).
    • UI Detect (for menus): Framerate drops after a couple of milliseconds after quitting the menus (then it recovers).

    If the UI Fix doesn't work for you, then there are some potential reasons:

    • Game resolution is not set to 1920x1080
    • You still using older preset (delete all the preset files and "shaders-textures" folder and replace them with the new v0.4 content)
    • If the solutions above didn't work then open reshade options menu and check if "UI Mask" status is enabled? then check the list order (UI mask top" must be the 1st shader in the list, UI Mask Bottom must be the last one).
  3. OussaMax
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    I have updated the files to make the installation process more strait forward..
    Please check my bug Report/Solutions page if you have encountered any kind of problem.


    • All the necessary files are compiled in a single package (except for RTGI due to copyrights). now you have just to extract and play.
    • Distant fog is no longer 100% opaque (Temporarly I have added some trasparency to the 'Adaptive Fog" untill I will publish the more appropriate methode to exclude the sky).
    • Default keys are changed: Now "Tab" key opens Reshade menu (instead of " * " key) and "Caps Lock" toggles the effects ON/OFF (instead of " - " key).
    • RTGI now is "more" compatible with the older version of the shader v0.23 (0.26 & 0.23 are mostly cross compatible, except for some aspects like the inverted depth behaviour of each version, maybe I will focus more on the free older version since majority of people can't get access to the newest one).
    • Slight improvement in performance: By reducing RTGI number of rays from 8 to 5.
    • Some visual tweaks? here and there (The project is still in the experimental phase).
    • Video tutorial: coming out very soon (being uploaded).
  4. jason6677
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Really nice, especially for such an early upload. Some scenes are a little too much for me personally but god its still so much better than the half finished job they did with SA especially. Doubt they're gonna update the visuals so wouldnt be surprised if this becomes an essential mod
    1. OussaMax
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you very much for your feedback :)
      Actually I'm thinking to make two separate Art Directions for that, which one do you prefere ?

             1. Faithful reproduction of the original PS2 style ??

               2. More natural & realistic approache, close to GTA V style ??

    2. Ilovemodders
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Pls do make a GTA 5 one. It looks amazing. As long as it doesn’t has a big performance hit i will download it.
    3. Killman0216
      • BANNED
      • 0 kudos
      More Faithful reproduction of the original, keep the original feel and vibes, don't make it lose its charm. GTA V graphic isn't always good.
    4. beethy
      • premium
      • 96 kudos
      It needs to be both, in a way. The PS2 version was only very orange during sunset, fairly briefly. The colours were quite neutral during the day. 
  5. FNaFierLoveSRDR
    • member
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    soo now the shaders free verson is banned
  6. Mephilis78
    • premium
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    Dude, the fog wasn't there for atmosphere. It was there to hide the low draw distance, ffs. Why even play a remaster if this is what you want?
    1. gigi935
      • member
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      You lack perspective
  7. Tekilla92i
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Quite buggy for me:

  8. jakereid
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    mod seems to be abandoned :(
  9. throwawayforcedaccount
    • member
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    looked great but as usual with mods, turns out to be awful, ruins the menus and causes huge performance loss at 4k at least. doesn't look good.
  10. Novantico
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    This looks awesome. Got a dumb question though - with the reshades, are we supposed to like, constantly manually change the reshade presets throughout the day to keep the game looking right, or...?
  11. NegativeIon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    RTGI (free) is offline.
  12. kobainkhad
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Do i need to have reshade for this mod?
  13. killbilltracksuit
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    im not getting a dxgi.dll file in my folder
    1. OussaMax
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you very much
      Honestly I dident notice that
      > the missing file has been added
  14. begginfokillz
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    can someone define executable location? aka, is it where binaries with game exe thing at, or just game root directory?
    1. OussaMax
      • member
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      it's the path where game exe is located
    2. begginfokillz
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      thanks :)